Announcements/Save the Dates!

This Friday and Saturday will be a Free Will Donation for the Kevin Ogar Benefit.
If you have not seen some of my posts on Facebook, the short story is that Kevin is a CrossFitter who was seriously injured in a CF competition. His T11 & 12 vertebrae were broke and his spinal cord was severed. Sadly, Kevin did not have insurance. There has been a website set up for direct donations or CFU will be collecting donations in order to help his cause. You can donate at Kevin Ogar.

CFU has started the donation process with a $50 donation…every little bit helps so if you can give a dollar or two, bring it in; we will take donations through Saturday’s WOD.
I have several friends who have a direct relationship with him and I know it would mean a lot for Kevin and Kevin’s family.

2014 CrossFit Games Open registration is Open! Register!
First WOD announced Feb. 27th and we will do our first Open workout at CFU Friday, Feb. 28th at 6:30pm.

SAVE THE DATE!Friday night, January 31st…7pm-8am…Children’s Miracle Network 1/2 Marathon (13.1 hrs) Row! More details to come, but plan on a FUN night of rowing, dancing, and partying!

Saturday, February 18th from 10am-noon…Complimentary Spinal Checks by Dr. Ted Tang and Free Chair Massages by Susan Yee!
ALL FREE for CFU members! 🙂

More to come!!!!! Better Than Yesterday!



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