Ya, I know it’s a little late, but better late than never! So proud of these two and what they have accomplished over the last couple of months! I look forward to seeing what’s in store for them in their CrossFit future! 🙂
Jason Schirmann
I’m 41 and engaged to Roberta Kucsik (also a CFU member!); I have 4 kids, Selena who is 19 lives in Hawaii with her husband and his two kids with one on the way. Chelsea-18 graduated this year and is planning on joining the military, then Curtis who is 10 and Camron who is 8. I work at Menu Maker Foods as a route driver and I’ve been with them for 5 months.
CFU is an amazing place, the people there are friendly, supportive, and encouraging with such an amazing atmosphere. The trainers guide you and push you past your comfort zone to motivate you to be stronger and faster than yesterday. I couldn’t ask for a better place to workout and a better group to workout with!
CrossFit itself has given me amazing results in a short period of time. It’s allowed me to achieve things I’d never thought I’d be able to achieve. The most memorable was a WOD we had that included a 5K. My first initial thought was that I could scale if needed to, but as I continued running I realized how upset I would be at myself if I quit early so I continued and finished the whole 5K in just over 30 minutes. I’m not going to lie, I was a little emotional when I was done that day. I accomplished something that I never thought I would have ever been able to do and from that day on I feared no WOD!
Natalie Rosslan
Hello my fellow Crossfitter’s, the time has come and I have been selected as one of the athletes of the month as well as Jason. Many of you know that I have waited all my entire life for this very moment, I am not kidding just ask Peggy and Lacy K. I was asked to share my CF journey with everyone, this story isn’t that exciting so I will sum it up pretty quickly. When I was 12 I started crossfitting in the kids class, which is way different from when I was enrolled. I only worked out twice a week and thought I was hot stuff, I also thought I could still eat mcdonalds 24 times a week. The summer before 8th grade year, my parents deprived me of any sugar and carb loaded foods which was the paleo lifestyle. I still had ice cream cones and all kinds of soda but I was working on it. I lost a lot of weight and joined the adults class that year. My eighth grade year I kind of slacked off on working out but still came every now and then. My freshman year I started working out more because I had to fit into my homecoming dress that fall, which I was able to! From then on I started working out every day expect Monday’s and select Saturday’s. During the summer I worked out, hung out with my friends and helped at crossfit camp. This past year i continued to workout more than ever and had people set goals for me to achieve. Many people such as, Lacy R, Andi, Britt, Nikki and many others were not going to keep letting me “slack off” as they would say. This past winter I actually did the CF games workouts, scaled of course, and was invited to join the trainers in what I call “The Elite Workout team”! Then this past spring I competed at the CF competition at the Jeff City box, which I would have never done if it wasn’t for Coach and a few others.
Everyone knows who my significant other is ????
I would like to say thank you to all the trainers and every member at CFU for putting up with my sass, random dance parties and complaining! I love each and everyone and what you have done for me I can not thank you enough! My dad, who drove me everyday to every workout, my mother who puts up with my constant talk of crossfit and my aunt, who is my wonderful coach and bestfriend, thank you very much!