August Athletes of the Month!

The trainers and I would like to announce this month’s athletes of the month! Michelle Schlup, Robin Bernskoetter, Andrea Cheung, David Rice and Nate Bess!! Congrats to these five athletes for always striving to do their BEST, day in and day out! Every month the trainers and I will choose athletes to feature so be looking for an email in the next few weeks…You could be the next CFU Athlete of the Month! 🙂
(This month there are 5 bc Belinda said so 🙂 )

Michelle Schlup
Age: 43
Spouse: Paul
Children: Natalie-11 and Hayden-7 until August 10th
Occupation: Budget Analyst for State of Missouri
CFU Start Date: December 2012
Favorite CFU Movements: I have several favorites, even those I cringe at when I see them programmed in a WOD. I know those movements have allowed me to be better than yesterday. If I programmed a WOD it would include kettle bell swings, wall ball sit-ups, run and the push press.

What you love most about CFU?
I Love CFU for the truly awesome trainers and the wonderful members who help create a strong community. This strong community offers encouragement, support, and inspire me to be my very best!

As a CFU member, I have lost over 50 pounds and I am the fittest and strongest I have ever been! Along with the community, I ran my first 5K. Then one year later, I was able to run the same 5K and win a second place medal in my age category and take almost 5 minutes off my time!

It is truly the best place to workout! I am so thankful I took the step to walk through CFU’s doors and become the person who is so much BETTER THAN YESTERDAY! It is never easy but it is always worth it!

Andrea Cheung
Age: 32
Occupation: Interim CFO, New Horizons Community Support Services, Inc.
CFU start date: 8/6/2013

Why I love CFU:
I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I finally decided to do something and walked into CFU. I don’t know if I can really express how much CFU has helped me – not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. The coaches and the other athletes made me feel welcome and immediately pushed me out of my comfort zone toward something so much better.

I honestly never thought a year ago that I would be able to do half the things I do now, or that I would love the back squat and get so annoyed at my form for the snatch. 🙂 I love crossfitting at CFU because every time I finish a WOD, I’m still kinda surprised and amazed at what I just accomplished. As someone who was never athletic or particularly active, it’s a startling realization – that I can do this. Even when I see a workout and grumble, I still show up because I know even if I’m horrible at it, there will be support at the box, and I will be able to finish it. The supportive team atmosphere keeps me coming back for more, and I can’t wait to see where I’m at in another year!

Robin BernskoetterAge: 26
Hubby: Kyle
Occupation: Septagon Construction Company – Administrative Assistant
Start Date: October 2nd

Favorite Movements: Handstands, push press, power clean, clean and jerk, bench press (I think I like these so much because I had no idea how to do them before crossfit), also love Sledge hammer swings – good way to get out some aggression 😉

What I love most about CFU: I am a very shy and reserved person… I’m not big on change so needless to say when starting crossfit, I was terrified! But everyone was so welcoming and easy to talk to… I couldn’t believe how awesome the people are. I love how everyone is always cheering you on! And last but not least, I love my coaches!! They have taught me so much and never give up on me, which I could imagine is quite the challenge. Louis is always giving me little hints along the way to help me become BETTER THAN YESTERDAY (make him stay;)!

David Rice
Age: 29
Spouse: Lacy Rice
Children: Makenzie Rice
Occupation: Car Audio Manager
CFU Start Date: April 2013

Favorite Moments: getting better on benchmark workouts and making it through hard workouts

What I love most about CFU:
I love the people the most. I have alot of new friends and its awesome to be around people who love to push you. I love seeing everyone get stronger and turn into athletes. I also love the competition of seeing how you do against your friends and people you look up to.

Nathan Bess
Age: 31
Spouse: Mindy
Children: Corbyn Riley (3) and Tavnr’ (7 – the furry 4-legged child)
Occupation: Missouri Department of Conservation (Financial/Ag Services-Statewide)

CFU start date: 6/1/14 – Present (Round 2) and 6/1/13-6/30/13 (Round 1)

Favorite movements: Any and all, but if I had to specify I would say rowing, running, WBSU’s, and DU’s. Regardless of how I honestly feel about certain movements, each movement and WOD has been designed to improve the abilities of each CFU member.

What you love most about CFU/CF?: Truthfully, I enjoy everything about it. The one thing that sets CFU apart from other ‘off the shelf’ fitness stores is FAMILY. CFU is a group of members from various backgrounds, lifestyles, and abilities. We are able to join as a group to be better than we were the day before and we do this “together.” The ability to work directly with the trainers for feedback, assistance, or that added ‘push’ keeps people coming back for more. Coach and CFU has pulled together the right people to mold its members. Recalling back to the end of June, Coach, posted a question, “Why do you CrossFit?” Needless to say it didn’t take much to figure the answer as to why I and others CrossFit. 1) To better myself from what I was minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc. before. 2) To live a long and healthy life with my family. 3) To compete with the best opponent I know… myself. 4) Because of the freedom we are able to enjoy thanks to the sacrifices made by our military (past, present and future) and their families. 5) Because my family encourages me to be better. 6) And, because I can.

That’s why I CrossFit at CFU.




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