
Empowering Young Athletes: The Benefits of Youth Strength and Conditioning

Youth strength and conditioning programs have gained recognition for their ability to enhance athletic performance, reduce the risk of injury, and foster long-term physical development in young athletes. While there may be concerns surrounding the safety and effectiveness of weightlifting for young individuals, when done properly under the guidance of qualified professionals, strength training can be incredibly beneficial. Here are three key concepts to help young athletes succeed in sports by incorporating weightlifting into their training regimen:

1. Focus on Proper Technique and Form

The foundation of any successful strength training program for young athletes lies in teaching proper technique and form. Emphasize the importance of mastering fundamental movement patterns, such as squats, deadlifts, and presses, before progressing to heavier loads. Start with bodyweight exercises or light resistance to allow athletes to develop coordination, stability, and muscle control. By prioritizing technique over weight, you lay the groundwork for safe and effective strength development.

2. Emphasize Functional Strength and Injury Prevention

Strength training isn’t just about lifting heavy weights; it’s about improving functional strength that translates to better athletic performance and reduced injury risk. Incorporate exercises that mimic movements commonly used in sports, such as jumping, sprinting, and changing directions. By strengthening muscles and improving joint stability in a functional manner, young athletes can move more efficiently and with greater resilience on the field or court. Additionally, proper strength training can help address muscular imbalances and asymmetries, further reducing the likelihood of injuries.

3. Prioritize Progression and Recovery

A key principle of effective strength and conditioning for young athletes is progressive overload. Gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or complexity of exercises over time stimulates continued adaptation and growth. However, it’s essential to balance progression with adequate recovery to prevent overtraining and burnout. Encourage young athletes to listen to their bodies, prioritize rest and recovery days, and fuel their bodies with proper nutrition and hydration. Additionally, incorporating mobility work, foam rolling, and dynamic stretching into their routine can enhance recovery and maintain flexibility and joint health.

In conclusion, youth strength and conditioning programs offer numerous benefits for young athletes, from improved athletic performance to reduced injury risk and long-term physical development. By focusing on proper technique, emphasizing functional strength, and prioritizing progression and recovery, young athletes can harness the power of strength training to excel in their chosen sports while laying the foundation for a lifetime of health and fitness.

CrossFit Unstoppable is currently offering a Volleyball Strength and Conditioning program for girls Grades 5-9. We will start our next session on April 8th! Email us for more info –>


Fueling Future Champions

The Importance of Nutrition in Youth Sports

Youth sports are about more than just physical activity and competition—they’re valuable opportunities for growth, development, and learning. One crucial aspect often overlooked in the world of youth athletics is nutrition. Proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting young athletes’ performance, recovery, and overall health. Let’s explore three key concepts to help young athletes succeed with better nutrition:

1. Balanced Meals for Optimal Performance

Just as a car needs fuel to run efficiently, young athletes require proper nutrition to perform at their best on the field or court. Encouraging balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients is essential. Emphasize the importance of incorporating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and a rainbow of fruits and vegetables into each meal. These nutrients provide the energy, vitamins, and minerals necessary for sustained performance and recovery.

2. Hydration: The Foundation of Athletic Success

Hydration is often underestimated but is crucial for athletic performance and overall health. Dehydration can impair physical and cognitive function, leading to fatigue, cramping, and decreased endurance. Teach young athletes the importance of staying hydrated throughout the day, not just during practice or games. Encourage them to drink water regularly and consider incorporating electrolyte-rich beverages like sports drinks or coconut water during intense training sessions or hot weather.

3. Pre- and Post-Game Nutrition Strategies

Pre- and post-game nutrition can significantly impact an athlete’s performance and recovery. Before a game or practice, aim for a balanced meal or snack that provides sustained energy without causing digestive discomfort. Opt for easily digestible carbohydrates paired with a moderate amount of protein to fuel muscles and prevent hunger during activity. Afterward, prioritize replenishing glycogen stores and supporting muscle repair with a combination of carbohydrates and protein. This could be a nutritious snack like a banana with peanut butter or chocolate milk.

In conclusion, nutrition plays a vital role in the success of young athletes. By focusing on balanced meals, proper hydration, and strategic pre- and post-game nutrition, young athletes can fuel their bodies effectively, optimize performance, and support long-term health and development. As coaches, parents, and mentors, let’s empower young athletes with the knowledge and tools they need to excel both on and off the field. With the right nutrition, they can fuel their dreams and reach their full potential as future champions.

If you would like more information on fueling your young athlete, email us or set up a FREE consultation to find out more! Book HERE


Strength Training: Defying Age and Unlocking Vitality

It’s a common misconception that strength training is reserved for the young and the athletic. However, the benefits of strength training extend far beyond youth and can profoundly impact the health and well-being of individuals over the age of 40. In fact, embracing strength training later in life can be a game-changer. Here are three compelling reasons why people over 40 should make strength training an integral part of their fitness journey:

1. Enhanced Bone Density

As we age, our bones naturally lose density, which can lead to an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Strength training, particularly weight-bearing exercises, stimulates the production of bone-forming cells, promoting bone density and reducing the risk of fractures. By incorporating resistance training into your routine, you can fortify your bones, enhancing your skeletal health and overall longevity.

2. Improved Functional Fitness

Functional fitness is all about maintaining the ability to perform everyday activities with ease and confidence. As we age, muscle mass tends to decline, leading to reduced strength and mobility. Strength training, however, counteracts this decline by building and preserving muscle mass. This not only enhances your physical capabilities but also helps prevent injuries associated with everyday tasks. Whether it’s carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or playing with your grandchildren, strength training empowers you to stay active and independent.

3. Metabolism Boost and Weight Management

Metabolism naturally slows down with age, making it easier to gain weight and more challenging to shed excess pounds. Strength training can rev up your metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn—even at rest. This metabolic boost can make weight management more manageable and contribute to a healthier body composition.

In conclusion, the misconception that strength training is exclusively for the young couldn’t be further from the truth. For individuals over 40, it offers a multitude of benefits, including enhanced bone density, improved functional fitness, and a boosted metabolism. These advantages not only promote physical health but also contribute to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle as you age.

So, if you’re over 40, don’t let stereotypes hold you back. Embrace strength training as a vital component of your fitness regimen, and experience the transformative impact it can have on your overall well-being. With the right guidance and a tailored program, you can defy age and unlock a healthier, stronger, and more vibrant you. Your journey to optimal fitness knows no age limit! So come join us!!

Set up your Free Intro HERE!


Debunking the Myth: Strength Training for Women

When it comes to fitness, one of the most persistent myths is that strength training will make women bulky. This misconception has discouraged many women from incorporating strength training into their fitness routines. However, let’s debunk this myth once and for all and shed light on how strength training can actually enhance lean muscle and boost metabolism without causing bulkiness.

The Myth of Bulking Up

The idea that women will become bulky from lifting weights is based on a misunderstanding of how the female body responds to strength training. The truth is that women have significantly lower levels of testosterone compared to men. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in muscle growth, and its lower levels in women mean that they are less likely to develop large, bulky muscles.

Enhancing Lean Muscle

Strength training, when done correctly, enhances lean muscle mass in both men and women. Instead of causing bulkiness, it helps sculpt a toned and shapely physique. When you engage in resistance exercises like lifting weights or using resistance bands, your muscles adapt by becoming denser and firmer, not excessively large.

Boosting Metabolism

One of the remarkable benefits of strength training is its impact on metabolism. As you build lean muscle, your body’s metabolic rate increases. Muscle tissue requires more energy to maintain than fat tissue, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest. This means that strength training can be a powerful tool for weight management and fat loss.

The Importance of Proper Programming

To reap the benefits of strength training without gaining excessive muscle mass, it’s crucial to follow a well-designed workout program. Your routine should focus on moderate weights and higher repetitions, emphasizing muscular endurance and toning rather than maximum strength and size.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, strength training is not the culprit behind bulky muscles in women. Instead, it is a valuable tool for enhancing lean muscle mass, sculpting a toned physique, and boosting metabolism. The myth of bulky muscles should not deter you from incorporating strength training into your fitness routine. When approached with the right mindset and program, it can be a game-changer for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy, strong body. So, ladies, don’t be afraid to pick up those weights and discover the incredible benefits of strength training for yourself. Your journey to a fitter, healthier you awaits!

Come train with us!! Set up a FREE INTRO so we can help you get started on your Gains!


5 Reasons to Prioritize Workouts in Your Life

Exercise is often regarded as the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, and for good reason. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting to consider incorporating workouts into your routine, the benefits of regular physical activity are far-reaching and can positively impact various aspects of your life. Here are five compelling reasons to make workouts a priority:

1. Improved Physical Health

One of the most obvious and immediate benefits of regular workouts is the improvement of your physical health. Engaging in physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, and enhance your overall cardiovascular health. Regular exercise also strengthens your bones, muscles, and joints, reducing the risk of injuries and age-related conditions like osteoporosis.

2. Enhanced Mental Well-Being

Exercise doesn’t just benefit your body; it’s also a powerful tool for boosting your mental well-being. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones, which can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Regular workouts can also improve your sleep quality, boost self-esteem, and enhance cognitive function, including memory and concentration.

3. Increased Energy Levels

Contrary to what you might expect, expending energy through exercise actually increases your overall energy levels. Regular physical activity improves the efficiency of your cardiovascular system and enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and cells. This, in turn, leads to increased vitality and reduced feelings of fatigue. So, rather than draining your energy, workouts can leave you feeling more energized for your daily activities.

4. Better Stress Management

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a common companion for many. Fortunately, exercise provides an effective and natural means of stress relief. Physical activity triggers the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which help alleviate stress and improve your mood. Additionally, engaging in a workout can serve as a valuable opportunity to clear your mind, gain perspective, and reduce the negative impact of stressors in your life.

5. Enhanced Longevity

Regular workouts are associated with increased life expectancy. Studies consistently show that individuals who engage in regular physical activity are more likely to live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life in their later years. Exercise helps combat the effects of aging, from preserving muscle mass and bone density to maintaining flexibility and balance, all of which contribute to a healthier, more active lifestyle as you age.

Incorporating workouts into your life doesn’t require a complex fitness regimen or hours spent at the gym. You can start with simple activities like walking, cycling, or swimming, and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness level improves. The key is consistency—making exercise a regular part of your routine.

Remember, the benefits of workouts extend beyond physical health; they positively impact your mental and emotional well-being, energy levels, stress management, and overall longevity. So, whether you’re looking to boost your mood, improve your health, or simply feel more vibrant, prioritizing regular exercise is a step in the right direction towards a happier, healthier you.

Don’t you want this for YOU?? Contact us today to see how to get started!


Unlocking Your Fitness Potential: The Science Behind Effective Workout Routines

Are you eager to transform your body and achieve your fitness goals? It’s common to feel overwhelmed by the plethora of workout options available today. However, understanding the science behind effective workout routines can be your key to unlocking your fitness potential.

The Scientific Foundation of Fitness

In your quest for a fitter, healthier life, it’s crucial to recognize the role of exercise science. Effective workout routines are not random activities; they are well-planned strategies rooted in scientific principles. These principles serve as the building blocks for your fitness journey.

The Fundamental Principle: Progressive Overload

At the core of effective workout routines is the principle of progressive overload. This principle dictates that to enhance your physical fitness, you must consistently challenge your body to perform beyond its comfort zone. The essence of progress lies in pushing your limits.

Adapting to Stress: Muscle Hypertrophy

When you engage in resistance training, whether it’s with weights or bodyweight exercises, your muscles undergo a fascinating process known as hypertrophy. When you stress your muscles through resistance, tiny microtears occur within the muscle fibers. As your body repairs these microtears, the muscle tissue becomes thicker and stronger. This adaptation process is how you build muscle and increase your strength.

The Role of Cardiovascular Training: Endurance and Heart Health

Cardiovascular exercise, like running, cycling, or swimming, is essential for improving endurance and heart health. During aerobic activities, your body demands more oxygen to meet the increased energy requirements. This leads to improved lung capacity and a stronger heart. Over time, your cardiovascular system becomes more efficient at pumping blood and oxygen to your muscles, allowing you to exercise longer and with greater intensity.

Flexibility and Mobility: Injury Prevention

Effective workout routines should also incorporate elements of flexibility and mobility. Stretching and mobility exercises help maintain and enhance joint range of motion, reducing the risk of injury. Additionally, improved flexibility can enhance your overall athletic performance.

The Role of Nutrition: Fueling Your Body

The science behind effective workout routines doesn’t stop at exercise. Proper nutrition is a crucial element. Your body requires the right balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to support muscle repair, energy production, and overall health. A well-rounded diet fuels your body for success, allowing you to get the most out of your workouts.

The Power of Rest and Recovery

One often underestimated aspect of effective workout routines is rest and recovery. Muscle growth and adaptation occur during periods of rest, not during the workout itself. Inadequate rest can lead to overtraining, increased risk of injury, and decreased performance. Quality sleep, nutrition, and active recovery techniques like stretching and foam rolling are vital for optimizing recovery.

Individualization: Tailoring Workouts to Your Needs

Lastly, the science behind effective workout routines recognizes that one size does not fit all. Your age, fitness level, goals, and any pre-existing medical conditions should guide your workout plan. Consultation with a fitness professional can help you create a personalized routine that maximizes your potential.

In conclusion, unlocking your fitness potential isn’t a matter of guesswork or trendy fads. It’s about understanding and applying the science behind effective workout routines. By embracing principles like progressive overload, proper nutrition, and adequate recovery, you can embark on a journey toward a healthier, fitter you. Remember, consistency and patience are key—your fitness potential is waiting to be unlocked one workout at a time.

If you want to start a new workout routine or have questions about getting started to a healthier you, set up a FREE INTRO! We would love to help!


Want to Save $$?

How to Save Money on Groceries: Comparison Shopping

Inflation, recession, inflation, recession—you can’t check the news without hearing the words.

Money is on everyone’s mind these days, and I’m sure you’ve noticed rising prices at the grocery store.

Can you do anything to “work around” inflation and cut back on the costs of healthy food?


Here’s one way to save money: Find the best prices on your staple items.

It’s common to get into a routine: Head to the same store and buy the same stuff without looking at the price. But you’ll find a lot of variety among stores—even those less than a mile apart.

Check out the chart below. It was created using online shopping systems at two stores in close proximity. To get from one to the other, you’d need about five minutes on a bike or two minutes in a car, so the fuel and time costs of a second stop aren’t extreme.

ItemStore 1 (Mega Retail Center)Store 2 (Grocery Only)
7 bananas$2.10$2.38
7 Honeycrisp apples$8.33$14.56
2 cucumbers$3.34$1.98
Broccoli crowns (500 g)$3.30$2.75
1 lettuce head$1.97$2.99
Lean ground beef (500 g)$5.80$7.70
Chicken breast (500 g)$6.45$8.80
12 large eggs$3.48$3.79
2 L 2% milk$3.77$3.79

Savings at Store 1: $10.20.

That’s a significant number, and it would be much greater if you bought larger quantities of some items. For example, if you had to buy twice as much ground beef and you did it at Store 1, your savings would jump from $1.90 to $3.80 on that item alone.

But you can find even more money.

What if you used your bike to hit both stores and bought only the cheaper items from each store? That would give you a small workout plus a total of $36.63. That’s another $1.91 saved—and remember, that number would increase significantly if you bought larger quantities of the items with a sizeable difference in price, such as chicken and apples.

Let’s go even further.

What if you bought 7 Gala apples at the cheaper store instead of Honeycrisps? That’s $6.93 instead of $8.33—a savings of $1.40. And the 3-lb. bulk bag of Red Delicious apples? It’s $5.97. If we assume each Honeycrisp or Gala apple is 120 g each, you’re getting 521 g more in the bulk bag that’s already cheaper to start.

You can make other substitutions, too.

For example, at Store 1, bone-in chicken thighs are $3.94 for 500 g. You can actually figure out cost per unit of edible portion so you know if the thighs are indeed cheaper once you account for the bones, skin and gristle you don’t eat. Check out this PDF from the Texas Agricultural Extension Service if you want to dig in: “Cost and Yield Comparisons of Ready-to-Cook Chicken Products.”

Quick tip: Using our online shopping cart and the info from Texas, 755 g of bone-in chicken thighs will give you about the same yield as 500 g of boneless, skinless chicken breast, but you’ll save 51 cents if you buy the thighs.

So let’s redo our table with the cheapest options at each store and a few substitutions:

ItemCost and Location
7 bananas$2.10 (Store 1)
3 lb. Red Delicious apples$5.94 (Store 1)
2 cucumbers$1.98 (Store 2)
Broccoli crowns (500 g)$2.75 (Store 2)
1 lettuce head$1.97 (Store 1)
Lean ground beef (500 g)$5.80 (Store 1)
Bone-in chicken thighs (755 g to obtain 500 g edible portion)$5.94 (Store 1)
12 large eggs$3.48 (Store 1)
2 L 2% milk$3.77 (Store 1)

Additional savings over Store 1 shopping with initial selections: $4.81.

This two-store plan with revised selections produces a savings of $15.01 when compared to the costs of filling your cart just at Store 2.

The point of this simple exercise: You can probably find ways to save money on groceries.

If you always hit the same store and buy the same items without looking at the price, you might be spending too much. With a little extra effort, you’ll be able to drop your grocery bill.

We saved $15 here on small quantities of just nine basic items. Imagine how fast the savings will add up if you’re feeding two to five people. Or if you wait for sales or clip a few coupons.

If inflation and recession talk have got you down, take action in the grocery store aisles so you can eat well without breaking the bank!

Hope this helps a bit! If you need more help with fitness and/or nutrition, click HERE to set up a FREE Intro!


Grocery Store Hacks!

Hacks That Add up to Huge Savings

If you’re worried about restricting yourself to a diet of canned beans and noodles due to rising food costs, you’re not alone.

In the U.S., Morning Consult reported that 53 percent of American survey respondents have changed their food and beverage intake as a result of inflation.

Costs are rising, but you still need to eat and feed your family. So here are some clever and resourceful ways to reduce your bills at the grocery store right now.

*Shop For No-Name Items

Steer clear of brand names when it comes to food and you’ll save big. Things like canned items, cereal, flour, sugar and spices can cost up to 30 percent more if you buy the popular brands. Look for the in-house brand and rack up the savings.

A great example: Wal-Mart’s in-house peanut butter. It’s just $2.49 for a 16-oz. Great Value jar. A 15.5-oz. jar of the popular brand Jif sells for a whopping $3.49. A dollar less for more PB is a big deal these days.

Get this from “Generic foods are about 30 percent cheaper than name brands.” If your cart is full of name-brand items, you might be able to save a lot of cash if you select a different product.

*Get Familiar With Your Store’s Sales Cycle

This requires a little tracking on your part, but it will be worth it. Create a spreadsheet with items you purchase often and note the costs on each trip to the store. After a little tracking, you’ll be able to spot trends in no time, which will allow you to make adjustments to your monthly and weekly meal plans.

For example, if you know that beef prices are way up but there’s a sale on pork, you can tweak the menu to accommodate a different source of protein. Or maybe chicken will be on sale next week.

You can also download the app RedFlagDeals to get notifications about coupons and price drops on groceries. That will help you with weekly needs, but if you have the cash flow and storage space, these notifications will allow you to stock up on nonperishable items that are priced to clear.

For example, if toothpaste is 50 cents off, you can save $5 if you get 10 tubes, which will last you quite a long time. 

A word of caution: Make sure you only buy things you need. If sales cause you to buy things you don’t need—or if you let items go bad—you aren’t saving any money at all.

*Do Some Math

“Shrinkflation” is when companies reduce the size of something but keep the price the same—or raise it. Watch your labels to spot shrinkflation: Did a brand cut package size by 100 g? Did that 12-pack become 10? Has a product size been altered to obscure a price increase? If some producers are playing games, try to find other brands that aren’t.

Further, it’s often worth figuring out the price per 100 g or per unit. If you do, you’ll often find out that some “deals” won’t save you any money.

For example, “Two for $8!” is worthless if the regular price is $3.99 each.

Or how about long-grain white rice priced at $2.59 for 907 g? Is that a better deal than medium-grain rice priced at $6.39 for 1.81 kg? Answer: yes! The smaller bag is actually 29 cents per 100 g, and the larger bag is 35 cents per 100 g.

Some stores will do math like this for you, but others won’t. Be prepared to whip out a phone and run the numbers to see what’s actually cheapest. A giant sign alerting you to a small price reduction might actually be a trick designed to get higher priced stock out the door, when cheaper fare is just one row down.

*Shop With Coupons and Join Loyalty Programs

Your grandparents probably shopped with wads of newspaper coupons in wallets and purses. But there are a lot of different ways to use coupons now. Did you know apps will actually source out the best deals at your local grocery stores now? Flipp,, Swagbucks and RedFlagDeals are just a few examples.

Other apps allow you to access paperless coupons and promo codes. For a rundown, check out this article: “5 of the Best Free Coupon Apps.”

You can also sign up for loyalty programs that reward you for your business. Then cash in those points for free stuff, including more groceries or other household products.

Lastly, find out if your local grocery store allows you to stack coupons. This means combining the coupon from the grocery store with the coupon from the manufacturer. If you’re allowed to do that, you’re in for major savings.

*Avoid Tricks and Temptation

Stores are set up to make you buy stuff. That’s why the milk is never right at the front. You’ve got to walk past 10 flashy displays to get to it.

Some pricey items are placed right at eye level, and others are loaded onto aisle ends, where loud signs help them stand out from the crowd further. And we all know the checkout area is packed with stuff meant to trigger impulse buys. Common grabs: overpriced batteries, gum and snacks, magazines, toys, and assorted cheap but high-margin knick-knacks you definitely don’t need.

In many cases, prominent items appear to be on sale but really aren’t. They’re just prominent. And some pricey impulse items are displayed right beside things that are in high demand just so you see them when you’re picking up toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other hot items.

And how about samples, spotlights and “constructed urgency”? They’re all part of the game, and people get tricked into making purchases all the time.

Want a look inside a retail industry designed to liberate your dollars from your pocket? Read “How to Encourage Impulse Buying in Your Store.”

The best approach: Go in with a precise list and avoid grabbing other “gotta have it” items you see.

Stick to the Plan!

Costs are rising, but you can take many steps to avoid overspending at the store. Plan ahead, be thrifty and you’ll be on the right track with your budget.

Save your $$ by planning ahead!

If you have any questions about fitness or nutrition, click HERE to set up a Free Intro!


Meal Planning!

Meal-Plan Your Way to Savings at the Grocery Store

We’ve all heard this advice: “Don’t ever shop for groceries on an empty stomach.” – I’ve definitely done this and regretted it after!

It’s doubly true if you’re trying to cut costs in the face of inflation.

Plan-free grocery shopping can lead to mindless or even rushed, frantic purchases that drive up costs and don’t align with your health and fitness goals.

I’m sure you’ve been there: Your fridge is empty and you’re pressed for time, so you rush to the closest store and just start tossing items in the cart. You don’t look for items on sale, you don’t check prices at other stores, and you don’t pay close attention to quantities. You definitely grab a few things you hadn’t planned to buy from prominent displays.

The results:

  • You spend more than you want to.
  • You leave with high-calorie “convenient” items you don’t actually need.
  • Your “anything goes” choices aren’t matched to your fitness goals.
  • You buy too much food. This will drive up your costs if it spoils before you eat it or it will derail your fitness plan if you overeat to avoid waste.

Perhaps better advice would be this: “Don’t grocery shop without a plan.”

With a solid plan, you can make choices that support your healthy habits and reflect your budget. No mindless shopping, no food waste and no overspending.

The absolute best way to maximize your savings is to plan your meals for the month. This might seem daunting at first, but it’s actually simple: You can just reuse one week four times or you can swap some recipes in and out of a weekly template if you prefer variety. Every planned meal is going to help you with your budget.

With meals on the calendar, you can break down your grocery shopping into two manageable pieces: monthly buying and weekly buying.

Monthly Purchases 

Frequently used ingredients should be purchased in bulk at discount stores. These are the items that show up in many meals and won’t not perish if they’re stored properly.

A few examples: oatmeal, pancake mix, condiments, egg whites (keep an eye on these—they don’t last forever), canned food, frozen vegetables and fruit, and so on.

You can also look at buying meat in bulk if you have freezer space. Then package smaller quantities in freezer-safe bags that reflect the meals you’ll make in the month. Just make sure you plan for the week in advance: Get the frozen meat into the fridge ahead of time so it can thaw for cooking!

Some of these “monthly items” might even be purchased every other month if they’ll keep for a long time. And if you have a family member or friend who is on the same nutrition wavelength, you might find opportunities to make even larger purchases that reduce price further. You’ll then split the food—and cost.

Costco and wholesale-club stores are often great places to save money on monthly purchases.

Here’s an example—we’ll use common non-perishable items for simplicity even if we might not advise you to consume these exact foods in bulk:

Ketchup at a premium store might cost $4.49 for 1 L. But the exact same ketchup can be found at a wholesale club in a two-pack of 1.25 L containers. The price breaks down to $4 for 1 L, so you’ll save about $1.22 with the bulk buy.

So, what is your plan to a better system of saving money and saving calories? If you need some extra help on meal planning, prep or nutrition, set up a Free INTRO! We would be happy to help!


Do You Have to be Fit to CrossFit?

No! CrossFit is a fitness program that can be adapted to suit people of all fitness levels, including those who aren’t in the greatest shape. In fact, many CrossFit gyms (commonly known as “boxes”) welcome individuals of various fitness backgrounds, body types, and ages. The workouts can be scaled and modified to accommodate each person’s abilities and needs.

CrossFit is designed to be inclusive and scalable, meaning that the intensity, load, and complexity of the exercises can be adjusted to match the individual’s fitness level. This allows participants to progress gradually and safely while still challenging themselves.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering CrossFit and are getting started in a fitness routine:

  • Consult with a healthcare professional: Before starting any new exercise program, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Choose a supportive CrossFit gym: Look for a CrossFit gym with experienced coaches who are knowledgeable about scaling exercises and providing appropriate modifications. A supportive community can make a significant difference in your fitness journey. Ie – CrossFit Unstoppable 🙂 
  • Focus on proper form and technique: Learning the correct form for movements is crucial to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits of your workouts.
  • Set realistic goals: Set achievable and realistic fitness goals that are specific to your needs and abilities. CrossFit is about progress and personal growth, so celebrate every milestone, no matter how small.
  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels during workouts. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to communicate with your coach and ask for modifications.
  • Be patient and consistent: Progress in CrossFit, like any fitness program, takes time and consistency. Be patient with yourself and focus on steady improvements.

Remember, CrossFit can be an excellent way to improve overall fitness, strength, and endurance. It can also be an enjoyable way to connect with like-minded individuals on a fitness journey. If you’re interested, give it a try and see how it works for you.

You can get started today!! Just book a FREE No Sweat Intro with one of our trainers!