
Exercising is just 10% of your Results!

When people come to CrossFit Unstoppable they think they are just going to workout…but we tell them that there is more to results than just a workout. 


Because nutrition is 80% of your results!

  • Do you drink enough water?
  • Do you regularly consume fruits and vegetables?
  • Do you know how much protein you should consume in a day?
  • How many times per day do you eat?
  • Do you know how many calories you should be consuming per day?
  • What is a typical day’s nutrition look like for you?

All of this we go over during our initial consultation we have with potential members. If you would like to find out how we can help with nutrition AND your fitness, direct message us or go to 

We want to help you become Better Than Yesterday one meal and one workout at a time! 

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 


How Can a Nutrition Coach Help…

Think about the last time you hired a coach or a mentor. How did they help you? 

We often think of coaches as guides. People who are the experts in a specific area and can help us on our journey. 

Nutrition coaches are guides to helping you become your healthiest self! 

Here are three ways our nutrition coaching program will help you:

  1. We are your guide! You don’t need a meal plan or piece of paper to be successful. You need someone to provide you with individualized support and create a customized plan just for you. 
  2. We keep it simple! While most diet programs want you to change all the things, we focus on the opposite, just one simple habit at a time. By keeping it simple, you feel confident and your success rate for maintaining those habits skyrockets! 
  3. Easy recipes the entire family will love! We provide you simple and easy recipe ideas based on your food preferences but that’s only one tiny piece of the puzzle. 

If you are tired of jumping from diet to diet or following something super restrictive only to fall off the wagon a few weeks or months later, we get it! 

You don’t need a restrictive diet, you need a healthy lifestyle and a guide to help you get there! 

Asking for help and taking the first step is often the most difficult but we are here to make that part easy!

Click the link for a FREE INTRO!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


The Gift of Resilience

When looking at your body composition goals there are often 2 competing thoughts: 

A quick fix and dramatic results are what you crave. 

There is nothing more you want than to get to your goals as fast as you can, but it often feels exhausting and overwhelming.


I need to learn habits that I can maintain long term.

Taking the time to get the desired results will help maintain these results, but it feels “not so sexy”.

Let’s examine what can happen with each approach.

Many of us have done restrictive challenges, fad diets and had amazing results, only to feel depleted and exhausted. Maintaining these behaviors is tough due to the rules and restrictions. The upside is the aesthetic results. Many people comment on how amazing you look. Inside, you may not feel the same. Fatigue and feeling deprived have been mentioned by some people who have adopted the quick fixes and are now searching for something sustainable. Without that sustainable approach, many people return to old ways.

Often time quick fixes and restrictive diets leave a person isolated. They don’t often promote the balance between real life and the diet. An example here is an event like a birthday or work party. On a restrictive diet, there is a temptation to not participate, not enjoy the event due to the foods or beverages involved. Instead, there is much to be learned about taking a planned break from a diet, having some “controlled fun” if you will and then challenging yourself to get back into a healthy routine after the event is done.

What is missing with these quick fixes is the time to learn habits that build your foundation. By taking your time to really learn different healthy behaviors, practicing them in real-life situations, building them into your routine, creates behaviors that are second nature and effortless. Another thing that is missing is the building of a healthier more resilient mindset that you have been able to overcome a setback and get back on track with healthy behaviors. Taking the time to learn healthy habits, a few at a time, and challenging yourself to commit to getting back on track after a time where you have gone off track builds resilience and mental toughness. 

Another thing that can happen that feels more far off by taking your time is that you are taking small steps each day to invest in your long term health. Each day, by working on habits, you are making internal gains on working on avoiding the burden of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. 

The challenge here is allowing yourself to appreciate what can be gained by taking the time to learn the process, trusting that by investing the time and effort in learning healthy habits that this will yield a healthier and happier, more resilient you for a lifetime. 

If you are looking for a healthier and more sustainable approach to achieving your goals, we recommend booking a free intro with our nutrition coaching staff!

Click here to book your free intro today: FREE INTRO


Nutrition Shouldn’t Be Complicated!

We understand that losing weight, and more importantly keeping it off, can be overwhelming. 

Here are 3 tips to get you started: 

  1. Focus on Non-Starchy Veggies. These are also known as volume carbohydrates. You can’t get enough of these! This will help fill up your stomach, provide you with fiber, vitamins and minerals without excess calories and carbohydrates. Pro Tip: Eat these first during mealtimes!
  1. Eat Your Calories, Don’t Drink Them. Liquids are much faster digested than solid food. This means liquids won’t leave you full and satisfied for very long. Instead of mindlessly drinking your calories, try to consume solid, real food!
  1. Plan Ahead. Try to prep 2-3 staples on the weekend. You can find a ton of healthy recipes HERE

For more tips, watch this video >>

If you still want more help on your nutrition journey, book a FREE CONSULT with one of our nutrition coaches!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


4 Recipes That You Are Guaranteed To Love!

(Pick at least one to prep this week!)

You don’t have to only eat chicken, broccoli and brown rice to see amazing results. 

Our top 4 recipes are sure to be a hit with the whole family.

#1 Egg Muffins

Change up the flavor by adding your favorites meats and veggies, or try our variation with sweet potato.

#2 Amish oatmeal

This baked oatmeal is a great option for the whole family. Top with you favorite fruit and nuts. To add extra protein, add in Bubb’s Collagen when cooking. This increases the protein to 24 grams of protein per 200 grams. 

#3 Meatloaf Muffins

At my house, we are huge fans of muffin tins. These delicious meatloaves are great reheated. Pair with roasted veggies and mashed cauliflower for a balanced meal!

#4 Pulled Chicken

This is one of the most versatile recipes we have. You can put it over a sweet potato or make a Mexican bowl. 

If you liked these, check out our recipe book. Fun fact: you can find all the nutrition facts for HSN recipes in MyFitnessPal, by typing Healthy Steps Nutrition Official then the food name. 

What is your favorite recipe? Let us know! 🙂

You can find more delicious recipes >>

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Clean Up Your Grocery Cart!

Ever find yourself in the grocery store wondering exactly what to buy to make healthier choices? There is so much confusion about what you need to do and which products are the best.

You choose items that say things like “low carb,” “low fat,” “no added sugar,” and “sugar-free,” but you just aren’t quite making progress. You aren’t sure if these items are an improvement, but you need something that is EASY? Well, keep reading for a list of items that will help clean up your grocery cart. 

The BEST tip that everyone should follow is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store first! Fill your cart with fruits, veggies, and lean meats. In most places, all of these items are NOT down the aisles, they are all around the edge or perimeter of the store. Once you have finished shopping the perimeter truck down the aisles for these staple items: 

  1. Snack Bars (Rx Bars or Low Sugar Kind Bars). General guidelines are to look for 7-14 grams of protein, 9-18 grams of carbohydrates, and 3-6 grams of fat.  
  2. Low-Calorie (lower sodium) frozen meals. Pair with salad, fruits, or veggies. 
  3. Deli Meat (low-sodium).  Pair with avocado, salad or veggies, and fruit for a quick lunch or with hummus for a quick snack.
  4. Pre-cooked brown rice and quinoa (you can save up to 45 minutes by doing this).
  5. Black beans in a can are a great source of fiber.
  6. SALSA!! It goes great on everything and is naturally low calorie.
  7. Frozen steam fresh veggie bags. Just pop them in the microwave.
  8. Dark Chocolate with 70% or more Cacao to curb a sweet tooth.

While this is NOT a comprehensive list of items to buy, it is a great start! Making small sustainable changes is the best way to achieve progress and keep it! If you need more accountability and help to make changes to your nutrition, book a free nutrition consult by clicking the link below! 

Click HERE to book a free consult with one of our nutrition coaches so we can help you with your nutrition!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Why Does It Take So Long??

A client came to me recently and said how badly she wanted to achieve their body composition goals and was frustrated that it was taking so long. “Why does it take so long to see the changes?” I had the opportunity to have an open and honest conversation about the importance of taking a long-term approach to our health and wellness goals and why the quick fix isn’t the way to go.

I will warn you that taking a long-term approach and truly taking the time to learn habits and make them part of a daily routine is not sexy and it is not quick. This stuff takes effort and time, and it is not a quick fix. 

Taking a long-term approach to improving our nutrition means we have intent, objectives, goals, and a mission to accomplish not only short-term goals but also long-term goals. The big picture mission is simple, we want to be happy, healthy, and strong – both mentally and physically. Being consistent with healthy habits like drinking water, exercising, sleeping, meal prepping, and eating real foods is key to accomplishing your long-term goals. When we take the time to learn these healthy habits, that is when we sustain healthy behaviors and we achieve the results we are so desperately seeking.  

Intent without action accomplishes nothing.

Many of us want to get to ideal body composition, losing weight and body fat. Setting those goals is the easy part. Being accountable for those goals and doing the smaller, often deemed “not so sexy” action items that lead to goal achievement is the hard part – and that’s where working with a nutrition coach in customized nutrition programs and participating in ongoing coaching programs over time is important.

First, let’s start with mapping out a long-term approach. Follow these 3 steps:

Step 1: Begin with the end in mind: What do you want to achieve? What will it take to get there?

Step 2: Start small. The little wins will snowball into larger wins down the hill. Consistency wins.

Step 3: Establish SMART Goals.

What’s a SMART goal? Glad you asked!

S – Specific; Should be simple and defined what you are going to do.

M – Measure; Tangible evidence so you can achieve the goal.

A – Attainable; They should push you just outside your comfort zone.

R – Results-Focused; Goals should measure outcomes, not activities.

T – Time-Bound; Goals should be linked to a time frame that creates a sense of urgency.

Here’s an example of what it looks like to map out nutrition goals over the course of a year:

I will eat a balanced breakfast using the plate method at least 4/7 days this week.

I will meal prep dinners with 3 compartment containers with balanced portions of lean proteins, green vegetables, healthy fats, and healthy carbohydrates for the next month to deal with busy times of the day.

I will eat balanced plates with lean proteins, green vegetables, healthy fats, and healthy carbohydrates, and have a glass of water instead of regular soda with that meal for at least 2 meals per day in the next 3 months.

In the next 6 months, I will log my meals daily to learn about my macronutrient balance, and work with my nutrition coach to stay accountable to losing 15 pounds in my customized nutrition coaching program.

This year, I will enlist the support of a coworker, family member, or friend at the gym as another accountability partner to make sure that we are eating healthy balanced meals 90% of the time, and getting to the gym at least 3-4 times per week.

I will work with my nutrition coach for at least a year to stay accountable to losing 30 pounds and 8% body fat in my customized nutrition coaching program.

It’s your turn! What does it look like for YOU to take a long-term approach when it comes to YOUR nutrition? 

Map it out, and book a free intro to sit down with your nutrition coach to get a plan in place for accomplishing your long term goals! If it sounds like its going to take a long time, remember that a nutrition coach will be there with you every step of the way. 

You can book a FREE INTRO HERE! We want to help YOU reach your true potential! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


3 Signs You’re Following a Fad Diet

If you scroll through social media, you are bound to see hundreds or even thousands of posts about FAD diets, juice cleanses, detox teas and tons of other products marketed to promote rapid weight loss.

Dieting is a 72 billion dollar a year industry in the United States, so it is no wonder why diet culture marketing is so prevalent.

But what is a FAD diet? And how do you tell if you are following one? 

Here are 3 signs that you are following a FAD diet.  

  1. You have to cut out an entire food group to follow the diet. FAD diets are typically very restrictive.
  2. You are replacing real foods with supplements or shakes.
  3. Recommendations that promise a quick fix. FAD Diets usually promise dramatic results over a small period of time but don’t result in long-term weight loss.

With countless diets out there, we understand how overwhelming it can feel not knowing what diet is right for you. 

The truth is that you don’t need another “diet”. The key to long term success is using a sustainable, habit-based approach to consistently build healthier routines into their life, one step at a time. 

At CrossFit Unstoppable, we have helped over 30,000 people around the world take control of their health through our simple habit-based approach and individualized support with a nutrition coach. 

We want to help you too! Don’t get tricked by another FAD diet. Click the link below to book a free intro or apply for nutrition coaching with CrossFit Unstoppable today!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Boredom & Stress Eating

Boredom and Stress Eating

Have you ever gotten home from a long day at work and found yourself down a whole bag of chips or sleeve of cookies? Maybe after your long day with the kids you sit down and relax with a little mindless binge on Netflix and automatically turn into a bottomless pit that eats through the pantry like the Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar? Raise your hand, because we have all been there! 

In general, if you’re not hungry, you’re emotionally eating! According to research, a high boredom task increases the desire to snack and it was proposed that increases in eating may be used as an attempt to distract from an experience, in this case being bored or stressed! We often see this while sitting in front of the TV or computer, when feeling stressed about an upcoming deadline, or simply needing a mental break from certain tasks like writing emails. What situations do you find yourself snacking more even though you aren’t hungry? Did you take the time to check in with yourself first? 

Just because boredom or stress eating is common, it does NOT mean we have to keep doing it! Here are 5 strategies to help you overcome this habit: 

  1. Fix your mindset 

This is KEY! Instead of thinking thoughts associated with a negative emotion, try turning it positive. Instead of “this is boring” or “this is awful, I hate answering emails all day”, try asking yourself “how can I make this more enjoyable” or thinking, “Everyone has to do some tasks they don’t want to do in life, this is just one of those for me!” While this may seem small, changing negative emotions to positive just by mindset will make a world of difference! 

  1. Closet cleanout

Out of sight, out of mind! Don’t allow your junk food to be so easily available. Choose to get rid of them, place them in high cabinets, or even the freezer!

  1. Change up your routine

Winding down with TV at the end of the day? Decide how many episodes you are going to watch and think about setting an alarm. Rather than snacking, bring a water or seltzer to keep your hand busy. Getting more bored? Move to a different, more stimulating task. 

  1. Learn your hunger & fullness cues

Take the time to check in with yourself and evaluate if you are truly hungry or just bored! Don’t eat until you’re full and SLOW DOWN! It takes time for your brain to get the signal from your stomach that you’ve had enough. 

  1. Practice mindful stress management

This is as easy as remembering “STOP”! Slow down, Take a breath, Observe how you are feeling/thinking and why, Proceed while considering multiple possibilities. 

Stress and boredom eating can create a cycle of continued negative self-talk, thoughts, and feelings. Keep these 5 strategies in mind the next time you feel overwhelmed or sit down to unwind in front of the TV. If you are looking for more guidance to create a better mindset and healthy habits, schedule a time to speak with our nutrition coach to help you find the path to success! 


The Perfect Smoothie!

  1. Add 8-10 ice cubes to the blender or 1 cup of frozen cauliflower rice
  2. Choose from each category
  3. Blend and enjoy
Liquid8 ozProteinFatsFruitsVeggies
Almond Milk
Low Fat Milk
Coconut Milk
Soy Milk
Almond+ Coconut Milk Blend
½ cup Greek Yogurt
Protein Powder Serving
½ Cup Cottage Cheese
2 tsp. Almond Butter
2 tsp. Peanut Butter2 tsp. Avocado
2 Tbsp of Chia Seeds or Ground Flax Seeds
¼ Cup Coconut
1 Tbsp. Dark Chocolate Chips
1 cup Strawberries
½ Cup Blueberries
⅔ Cup Raspberries
1 Banana
1 Peach
1 Kiwi
½ Cup Pineapple
¾ Cup Mango
⅓ Cup Oatmeal
1 Cup Cherries
½ Cup Watermelon
2 Cups Spinach
2 Cups Kale
¼ Cup Chickpeas
1 Cup Carrot
½ Cup Cucumber
1 Cup Cooked Cauliflower
1 Cup Zucchini- skin removed
1 Cup Celery

You can also add these extras:

¼ tsp. Ground Turmeric

1 Tbsp. Ginger

1 teabag of Chai (take out the teabag)

1 tsp. Matcha Powder

½ tsp Cinnamon

1 tsp. Vanilla extract

Collagen Protein

Bone Broth Protein

Juice of 1 lemon and ½ Tbsp of Zest

Let us know what you came up with! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!