
Winning…Monday 6.29.20

I Got To…

Pretty sure I won today! 🙂 Does anyone else dread Mondays come Sunday evening? You start getting anxious and start worrying about your to do list and what’s waiting for you at work…I know that probably happens to many of you. It does to me sometimes as well, but this weekend I went in with a plan.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail…you’ve heard that one right? It is pretty true. If you go haphazardly about your day and don’t have a plan in mind, then all hell can break loose and you end up either starting over or beating yourself up.

The other day I wrote about worrying about what you can control. This has helped my mental state…I know when I have to wake up, I know what I’m going to eat for my meals and I know when I want to do my workout. What I can’t control is actions from other people like the person who pulled out in front of me this morning and then proceeded to take the next right. Grrr, but I couldn’t let it deter my mental state, my plan was to go forward and WIN Monday! So…

  • I GOT TO workout early this morning at Open Gym.
  • I GOT TO welcome 20 young volleyball players into the gym for their volleyball clinic.
  • I GOT TO buy a person’s breakfast in the drive thru line.
  • I GOT TO coach the noon class and watch a brother/sister duo do the same workout just at different abilities.
  • I GOT TO have lunch out (Chic-fil-a…I know not the best choice but hadn’t had it FOREVER! 🙂 ).
  • I GOT TO get my haircut and pray for my hairdresser who is battling cancer 🙁
  • I GOT TO go back to the gym and tackle the regular workout all by my lonesome…sometimes when you workout by yourself it gets a little lonely and you don’t push as much, but today’s workout was a mental battle and although I didn’t win the doubleunder battle, I still won because I didn’t quit!
  • I GOT TO coach 2 up and coming sophomores on the volleyball court this afternoon and I can’t wait to see what they do on the court!
  • I GOT TO talk to a member who just lost his wife; he is doing good and is ready to get back to the gym…I get to pray for him and his family.
  • I GOT TO coach the 4:30 class and razz them a bit…these classes, these people, all help me win my days! They are my Tribe! 🙂
  • I GOT TO coach my 5th/6th grade volleyball team to a sweep tonight! 3 wins – AGAIN! They have improved so much!
  • Finally, I GOT TO come home to dinner cooked for me (spaghetti squash and meat sauce – a little bit more healthy than lunch 😉 )
  • OH! And I GOT to write this! Not even sure anyone reads these, but I’m on a little streak…15 days straight of posting on the blog!

My point being in all of this…Look at all of the WINS you have and the things you GET TO do that maybe others can’t experience! If you look on the bright side of things and continue to look for the wins then life gets a little bit brighter and you will continue to help develop a more positive mindset!

So who is going to WIN Tuesday with me?? 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Why We’re a CrossFit Gym…6.28.20

Why CrossFit?? Read below on why Unstoppable is a CrossFit gym.

I founded CrossFit Unstoppable in October of 2011 with our first WOD being on 11/28/11. In 2010, I found CrossFit for myself because a friend introduced me to it.

I was intrigued how a combination of exercises in a short duration of time could get me results so I set out to see what it could do for me!

I haven’t looked back since; I began my 5 session foundations at CrossFit United in Columbia, MO and then proceeded to attend classes as much as I could from August 2010 – March 2011 (when I decided to obtain my Level 1 certification).

CrossFit in 2010 wasn’t quite the same CrossFit you see on TV now. I did become addicted to watching the Games that year through streaming on the internet…It was crazy exciting! Back then, CrossFit was just coming into the “limelight” and it was starting to be a craze! I think the whole factor of the mixing up the movements on the daily and things being different is what appealed to people the most, especially myself! The whole CrossFit movement felt right; get fit and have FUN at the same time! It was like a whole new ballgame every day and we set out to compete against ourselves on a daily basis. That’s still the CrossFit we practice at Unstoppable: We take what works and and keep working on what makes us better.

When we opened up in 2011, there were maybe 5,000 affiliates in the world; now there are over 15,000! Why? Because the program WORKS and it’s FUN! Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this?? Plus, I’ve found some of my best friends through CrossFit! 🙂

With the growth of CrossFit there has come a lot of diversity. Our gym is a community of like-minded individuals who want to get fit and have fun. We do not judge based on your size, your gender or race and we consider everyone as family when you walk into our doors.

Every year at CrossFit Unstoppable, we do the CrossFit Open. Worldwide, the Open is the first stage of qualification for the CrossFit Games. But we make it fun, have theme nights and after parties following each night. It’s a great way to test our strengths (and weaknesses) against the best in the world!

Sometimes, members of the CFU family like to do competitions which helps bring our community togethere as well. I’ve done a few too and it’s fun to test your fitness with like-minded individuals. However at my young age of 52, I might be hanging it up and just “compete” amongst friends at the gym and support those who go on to compete in the bigger competitions 🙂

Another area of diversity in the CrossFit community is workout design. Before CrossFit, I was stuck with 3 days of weight training and 3 days of cardio…3 sets of 12 reps of DB flyes, tricep extensions, curls, etc… B-O-R-I-N-G! I’m happy to say that our “programming” of workouts make things a whole lot more interesting than your typical gym. We want people to be excited to test their fitness especially on a new movement or maybe get a better score than the last time they completed that workout.

CFU is a little different in their programming in that we provide at least 2 workouts (WOD’s) per day for athletes to choose from; as stated before we do not judge people based on anything they do and we understand that everyone has different goals. If someone wants to do a more intense cardio workout then he/she may choose our Endurance WOD or FitWOD for the day. Choices are what sets CrossFit Unstoppable apart from other gyms and I believe that our athletes are better for it!

I always point out to the athletes that if the workouts were easy, then everyone would be doing it! Can anyone do CrossFit? Yes! My 73 year old Dad and 74 year old Aunt are a part of my “Masters” class. They do similar workouts, just not at the weights or intensity of our regular classes…So YES, YOU CAN!

Our trainers do not expect perfect form and movement, but they will coach you to help you become better than yesterday! We just want our athletes to show up on a regular basis so they can get better and reach their goals. We challenge our athletes daily and we only want the best for them!

I love being a CrossFit gym. We’re now in our 9th year as a CrossFit affiliate and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’ve dropped into other CF gyms around the country and while they have the same “community feel” nothing beats having your own CrossFit family waiting for you back home.

Most people at CrossFit Unstoppable do group classes but we also offer 1:1 services. Either way you choose, we just want to help change your life!  Start with a free, intro visit by booking here >> Let’s Do This!

We Want To Help YOU!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

*Inspiration provided by Chris Cooper at

Michelle who helped me discover CrossFit – March of 2012 🙂

Saturday 6.27.20

When it rains…

Finish the sentence…it pours, right? Seems like that’s what it has been like since January. One thing after another seems to be popping up and a lot of time we can lose our focus.

A quote that comes to mind is by Maya Angelou-“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” Sounds simple, but do you do that?

Focus on what you CAN control as it can change your life. I was sitting out on the back porch (only 80 degrees so was pretty nice) and then the storm blew in…the weather is something I can’t control so I picked myself up out of the chair and just watched the storm blow past. I see sunshine now -You have to go through the storms to see the rainbows 🙂 I changed my attitude about that storm and thought about something better.

Your mindset is a powerful thing-be positive, be persistent and be THAT person that people want to be around. Try being the most enthusiastic person in the room and see what happens…I tell you, it will start a ripple effect and it makes you a happier person as well. YOU are in control of your own happiness.

How you go about your work at home and the workforce is something you can control as well. You can proceed to be negative towards your job or how your home situation is, but like the quote mentioned, is there anything that you can change about it? Can YOU be the bigger person and go above and beyond to cause change instead of complaining? I always like to say “get to” instead of “have to”…So next time you say I have to cook dinner or I have to workout, remind yourself that you have food to cook and a body that has the ability to workout!

The Golden Rule is something you can control as well…be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated. There is so much hostility going on in the world; be the change you want to see in the world and let’s make this place a better world to live! Pay-It-Forward!

Do you have control over how you treat your body? Do you: Eat Clean? Get adequate sleep? Drink enough water? Stay active daily? Read? Listen to motivational music/podcasts? Avoid negativity? Meditate? Your mind and body is the best investment you can make these days! Take care of yourself!

Lastly, keep this quote in mind when dealing with life: “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it”~Charles Swindoll

Have a great Saturday and focus on controlling the “rain” 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Friday 6.26.20

What To Do On The Weekend…

6 Ways to Have a More Productive Weekend

  1. Make the Most of Your Mornings. An extra cup of coffee, sleeping in, or another 20 minutes of scrolling the ‘gram from bed are easy starts to the day. … But don’t let your weekend morning slip away! It’s been shown that waking up at the same time every day is better for your sleep, so if your internal alarm clock already has you up, make use of that time. Get out of bed and do a quick workout or do a little bedside yoga. Tack on an extra 15 minutes while walking your dog. Workouts at home are a great use of a few minutes to yourself in the morning! Getting them in before the rest of the house gets up ensures you’ve locked in some self-care before other things fill your day.
  2. Don’t Save Everything For the weekend… If you’re the person who saves every life task for the weekend, those two days will get crowded! Try moving your major cleaning to Thursday nights, or break it up throughout the week into smaller tasks. Going into the weekend with fresh linens, a vacuum run, and a clean kitchen can do wonders for the psyche of having a relaxing space to enjoy.
  3. Use Timers for Key Tasks…Set two alarms — one to remind you to pick up a book and one 30 minutes later. That time will fly by, and you’ll probably even want to keep at it! For less fun weekend tasks (cleaning out the garage, updating your home budget), set that same 30 minute timer and promise yourself to give it your all of that stretch. Once 30 minutes hits, reward yourself with a break for something fun and come back to it the next day if needed. I set timers all the time! Do the same thing for meal prepping in the kitchen! 😉
  4. Hit All Three Buckets…Try to think of every weekend in three buckets — Must Do, Must Not Do, and Learning to Do. The Must Dos are just the essentials. Even when we enjoy catching up with family, running the kiddos to practice, or doing things around the house, they are still things on the calendar. Must Not Do means that every weekend should have a little slice of doing nothing. This can be whatever “nothing” means to you, but it should be whatever self-care or restorative activity brings you peace.
  5. Take Fridays Seriously…Friday, you’re the best. Especially in summer, it can be easy to mentally call it a day sometime after 3pm. But that may make it more likely that you don’t effectively wrap up your week, and have work or other to-dos trickle into the weekend. Use the last few hours of Friday as your weekend power hours! Before you check out and get into full weekend mode, take some time to prep for Monday morning. Clean up your desk or workspace. Leave yourself a Monday to-do list. Take a few minutes on your networking efforts and forward along an article you think a colleague would find interesting. Closing out your Friday thoughtfully tees you up for a more productive weekend!
  6. Give Work a Structure…Nowadays, it’s inevitable that many of us have to check in with work over the weekend. Be it email review or major projects, some things simply don’t get done in the 9-5. If this is your situation, just give weekend work some structure. Tackling a major proposal? Don’t pick away at it all weekend — you’ll just end up feeling like you didn’t get a break. Block out some serious time of a few hours and hammer through. If email floods in, let fellow co-workers know that you review emails at a settime, say, from 2-4 on Sunday afternoon. (We’ve all fired off a weekend email that we don’t necessarily expect a response to, so it’s okay to expect others to feel the same way.) Also think about setting up an auto response on the weekends stating you will get back with them first thing Monday morning or some other designated time.

Think you all can try one or most of these tasks for the weekend? Baby steps to a more productive weekend! 🙂

Have a Happy One!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed


Fitness Goals – Shrink the Size of your BUT…

2020 was going to be THE year! I just knew it, my members knew it and everyone was ready to get started on new goals! The atmosphere at the gym was amazing…record number of check-ins and everyone making changes in their nutrition. We are nearly half way through 2020, so how are those fitness goals going now?

If your goal was to lose weight in 2020, how are you doing? Are you making headway? What is stopping you from reaching that goal? 

Many times when we start new fitness and nutrition goals or plans, we do really well for the first few weeks and then we get a little bit too comfortable and our minds start to play tricks on us. We may take a few extra bites of dessert, stop logging our food, or even miss a workout or two because we think we’ve got this goal made! You may also find that you end up using the word BUT more, which hinders your progress…Take these examples for instance: 

  • I’ve lost 10 pounds already, BUT I hate logging ALL of my food; it’s too time consuming!
  • I’m eating healthier and making better decisions, BUT I hate meal prepping on the weekend! 

Once you’ve made one of your short-term goals, that is when you really need to dig deep and focus on your mindset…This is an important step to eventually reaching that long-term goal. Focus on the things that you are saying to yourself especially if you use the word BUT a lot and turn things around! Remember your WHY and the reason you are trying so hard to reach your goals – focus on shrinking the BUT in your life! Here are some statements that you can utilize instead: 

  • I know that health conditions run in my family and I want to stop the cycle so logging my food and exercising daily will increase my chances of success. I want to be better for me and my family!
  • I know that a couple hours on the weekend of meal prepping will help me with the craziness of my week and will take the guesswork out of what to eat. It will save me time and money in the long run AND will get me closer to my goals! 

So if you want to reach your long term goals faster, you MUST shrink the size of your BUT! 😉 If you would like some extra help, reach out and we can help!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed

*thanks to Joanna from CF AllKine for the inspiration for this post 🙂


Wednesday 6.24.20

Wednesday Wisdom

What if…

What if you started cutting out excess sugar from your diet?

What if you walked a 1/2 mile every day (about 8 minutes)?

What if you reached out to a friend who you haven’t spoke to for awhile to see how she/he is holding up?

What if you read for 15 minutes per day?

What if you wrote down 5 things that you are grateful for every day?

What if you surprised your loved ones with lunch one day?

What if you donated 10 pieces of clothing to charity?

What if you turned off your phone for 2 hours per day and focused solely on you or your family (sleeping doesn’t count! 😉 )

What if you meal prepped on Sundays and Wednesdays during the week?

What if you prayed for someone without them knowing it for a solid month?

What if you smiled to every person you came in contact with on a daily basis?

What if you said “Have a great day” to everyone?

What if everyone who reads this would just do 2-3 of these things daily? Imagine what kind of world we would live in if everyone would practice these sorts of things, especially those that don’t involve money, just decent human being actions! Smiles do not cost a cent! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Smiles and attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?

Earlier today, it was announced that CrossFit was being sold and there was a Zoom call with the new owner. Part of the conversation dealt with what changes would be made; yes, the overall persona of CF needs to change, but what he emphasized was that each gym’s culture should not change…You should still walk into your box and that should bring a sense of happiness, a sense of family and a sense of belonging to something greater.

I always want my members to come into CFU and have the BEST hour of their day (or more than that if they stay after to chat which many do!). Our gym culture is unlike anything I’ve experienced before and that’s why I love it so much!

What if you came in and tried a class to experience what we experience day in and day out…You are welcome any time!


Transformation Tuesday!

Elana York

Elana has come soooo far in that past 18 months! She is a single mom of two adorable little girls and she sets a GREAT example for them! She is the “Queen of the Machines” and is a force to be reckoned with when she shows up on a daily basis.

“I just have to say, I am so so happy I took the leap and tried out the whole CrossFit thing. It’s been the biggest blessing and I always look forward to it! I can’t ever see myself not doing it!”~Elana

Everyone at CFU is proud of the accomplishments that Elana has made and we look forward to what she accomplishes next! Keep on being Amazing, E! 🙂


Tuesday 6.23.20

What’s Your Motivation? How do you keep going?

I asked some of my members a few months ago to tell me their “why”…Why do you show up at CFU? Why do you go through what you do on the mats? Why do you meal prep on the weekends? The most common answer was, “because I want to live a healthier life and set a good example for my family” – that is pretty much my why as well.

If you recall, I told the story of how I was sitting down during a PE class telling my kids to run laps and do other exercises…SITTING DOWN…I was a freaking PE teacher for goodness sake! What kind of good example was I setting for those kiddos? Not a good one, that’s for sure! I remember counting down the hours before I could go home and just lie down and watch tv because I was always tired – something needed to give!

But how do you find the motivation to one day start from scratch? Yes, I had the knowledge to exercise and eat healthy, but where would my motivation come from? I tell you, it had to come from deep within; being sick and tired of being big and lazy, I knew that baby steps would get me started. I told my husband my plan and set off to the Y every morning at 4:45am (yes, I know that’s crazy, but it was the only time I had in my crazy schedule). I found some accountability partners through an online group where we shared our workouts and nutrition tips. It’s what kept me going! And the rest is history!

It all started with motivating myself to do better for myself and my family BUT…I had to keep going! Everyone has those days where they really don’t feel like doing anything – heck, there’s even a song about that!

Things that may help you stay motivated:

  1. Set Goals! Make sure they are reasonable…don’t say I want to lose 50 pounds then get upset when the scale doesn’t budge in a week. Baby steps! Make sure the goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and has a time domain (SMART)
  2. Make your exercise/fitness routine FUN! If you dread going to the track and doing circles, change it up and hit the trails instead; take up biking or hit up a dance class. Step out of your comfort zone and keep things fun! It also helps keep you young! 🙂
  3. Make activity part of your daily routine! Every day do something active. On our fitness tracker app at the gym, I’ve put in a daily cardio section where members can put in their own workouts/runs in case they can’t make it to the box. This helps with accountability and keeps them on track!
  4. Put your activities (fitness/nutrition) down on paper…! I used to (I should do it again!) write down everything I was going to eat the next day the night before so I was prepared for the day along with the workout I was going to tackle. Once I ate that meal or did that workout, it went on the “finished” side of my journal. That journal helped me stay on track especially with my nutrition so I didn’t have to “wing it” on a daily basis!
  5. Join forces with friends and family! Not only will you obtain the accountability, you will help them out with their fitness! It’s a WIN-WIN! 🙂
  6. Reward yourself! 7 days without any sugar, buy yourself a new pair of workout shorts! 21 days straight with daily activity, take yourself out for a nice meal! Set PR’s on lifts or runs, post that stuff and let people celebrate with you! Believe it or not, people do love to celebrate other’s accomplishments, plus it helps them with their motivation too! Seeing all of my athletes at CFU accomplish what they do on a daily basis inspires me to push a little bit more even on the days I don’t feel like it!
  7. Be Flexible! Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout or two; your body will NOT fall apart! Last week I was sick with a migraine and vertigo…NOT FUN and I missed Sunday-Thursday workouts; talk about getting off track, but I knew my body needed to rest in order to get healthy again. My body didn’t fall apart, I was right back at it on Friday! So give yourself a break now and then and realize that you are human and things are going to come up that get in the way of some of your fitness and nutrition goals!

If anything, write down or save photos/quotes on your phone so you can see them daily. I like the positive post-its…seeing positive messages helps me stay on the right track to where my mind should be. If you are having trouble finding the motivation to either get started or keeping the momentum, reach out and let me see if I can help! We offer personal training, group classes and online training if you don’t want to start out in a gym. Just let me know at

Have a Happy Tuesday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Monday 6.22.20

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Safe, Live w/ Ease

What does this mean to you? What makes you happy and makes living easy? Many times I ask my trainers to tell me what their “perfect day” is…What would make your day perfect?

I think mine changes daily (especially with the hot weather here in MO!) We had some beautiful weather a couple of weeks ago where the temps were around 72 degrees and there was no humidity! Now THAT’S a perfect day weather wise. But to pinpoint what my perfect day after that is, changes from time to time. First and foremost I want my family and friends to be safe and healthy (and happy of course!). This morning I listened to a morning meditation – where I got my headline from 🙂 where we were always encouraged to come back to that phrase if we got sidetracked with our thinking.

Yesterday I wrote about stress management and how to deal with it; did you try any of the listed methods? One of those methods could very well be meditation. Start with just 2 minutes in the morning; I like turning on some “soothing music” (I use the Calm app) and just focus on my breath and the noises around me. I have found that sitting out on the back porch at 7:30am is not a good idea because of the noisy traffic that early. But I like outside because I get to hear nature and it brings me back to more simple things; it helps me forget the lists of things to do, it helps me remember that all things were created for a purpose and it helps me to focus on basically nothing for a little bit. I’m not sure how people meditate for longer than 10 minutes because my mind goes a mile a minute! But I’m getting better! Try it just for a little bit this week and see how you feel.

See I got sidetracked from my “perfect day” 😉 Anyway I like to start my day off with coffee and quiet time…if I want to go in early for a workout I do that but most times it’s mid-morning before I get to workout because of the list tackling at home before heading into the “office”. I watched a documentary today (another perfect day activity, watching shows that I like) and it was discussing the fight or flight phenomenon in which when we are put in stressful situations, the adrenaline and cortisol builds up to help us combat the situation…if the situation isn’t remedied then this stress stays with us. Something that I like to do to relieve stress that is part of my perfect day is helping people. I want to help people be better than yesterday…in this documentary, they had a name for this (I forget what it was) but many people de-stress by giving back to others and helping someone out. Sometimes if it can’t be through monetary means, it’s through acts of service. So part of my perfect day is giving back. Eventually, I want to start a program for disadvantaged youth in the area…so that’s on my bucket list-watch for it 😉

I think I’m just rambling a bit, but I wanted to share a bit about how I like to be happy, healthy, safe and continue to try and live my life with ease. No, life is not always easy, but we can make our lives a lot better by striving to be the happiest and kindest possible human there is! I challenge you all this week to pay it forward to just one person…not because you have to, but because you WANT to! Don’t you want to put a smile on another person’s face 🙂 I sure do! Have a Blessed Week!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Sunday 6.21.20

Stress Management – How do you deal with it?

Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads, step-dads and granddads out there! I hope you have a great day doing the things you love with the people you love! 🙂

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.“~Amit Ray

Are you experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety these days? How do you cope with it?

This morning I listened to a Facebook Live message from our Two-Brain leader, Chris Cooper and he explained in laymen’s terms on why our bodies handle the stress the way they do…Our brains are constantly ready to either fight or flight when subjected to a situation. The more we put on our plate, the bigger that part of the brain grows…we don’t want that to happen. Why? Because the more stressful situations we encounter, the harder it is for us to process everything and the stress hormone, cortisol builds up. Believe me, this is not good!

If you’re like me, you are dealing with stress coming from all angles; family life, work life and fitness life. There are ways to combat the stress in our lives and that is to be mindful of how we are reacting to certain situations. We need to re-wire our brains to meet the daily demands that this stress causes.

Some of the ideas Chris shared were:

1. Set up 2 one-hour blocks of no-screen time; if you don’t have a set time during the day when you can do this, set up one hour when you wake up and one hour before you go to bed. I like to put my phone on “DND” (do not disturb) from 9:30pm-9am so I am not interrupted. Sometimes this works, I just have to stay off of that time sucker! 🙂

2. Set up a time where you check your emails, social media and responding to texts. If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is scroll through emails, your brain automatically goes into that stress mode where you think you need to do everything at once. Take some time for yourself and ease into your day.

3. Do something that is of long, slow duration. I like to go for 30-45 minute walks where I turn off my phone except for my “Calm app” listening to rhythmic music…It helps clear my head.

4. Do something for yourself that requires your full attention like reading or playing a new sport. This would then take your mind off of the stress you are experiencing.

5. Celebrate the bright spots in your day! Focus on the positivity that is going on in your life and surround yourself with like-minded people so the ripple effect continues.

Finally, always take a few deep breaths and contemplate your reaction to stressful situations. Those deep breaths could make a world of difference! I hope some of these tips help you deal with your daily stress; I plan on implementing them…I just have to stick with it and create the habit! More on good habits in another blog! Until then, have a Blessed Day!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed