
Running on Empty

Who knows what I’m talking about? I’ve just lost some steam this week…not sure if it’s the weather or what, but I’m drained. So wiped that I’ve taken 2, yes 2 days in a row off from working out. I was going to do something today, but nah, not going to force it. I’m sure my body appreciates it!

How do you tell that you need a rest day? How often do you “rest”? I try to do something 6 days a week, but sometimes (like this week), it gets sporadic. Resting IS important!

Here in the next few weeks I’m going to try to put together something that will help with your Sleeping, Eating, Moving and Managing or SEMM. Hopefully it will help you immensely 🙂 Still in its early stages though.

On that note, I’m on fumes right now and actually hitting the sack before 9:30! Have a great Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Transformation Tuesday

Christine Core

During our last challenge, Christine was a real all star. She used the resources and accountability and made a huge difference in a short time.

Are you ready to make a change for yourself? Watch for details of our next Health Habits Challenge.

If you are ready to make a change for the better TODAY, reach out at

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Show Up…

Show Up, Work Hard and Listen…

Want to make it easier to reach your goals? Just follow the above! I’m basically talking to the members…you’ve gotta show up to get those workouts in…you’ve gotta give all you have and not just half-@$$ things; you give 50% then you will only get half the results…You need to listen!

At CFU, we coach, we teach, we instruct and we try to give you tips and knowledge so you can become BETTER! But, if you don’t listen and follow the advice then where will that leave you??

You may eventually reach your goals but if you put all three together, then you will be able to reach your goals a lot faster! If you have questions, please ask and we will do our best in order to get the answers you need!

So, are you ready?!? See ya on the mats! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Some Monday Motivation

What’s Your Motivation? How do you keep going?

I asked some of my members a few months ago to tell me their “why”…Why do you show up at CFU? Why do you go through what you do on the mats? Why do you meal prep on the weekends? The most common answer was, “because I want to live a healthier life and set a good example for my family” – that is pretty much my why as well.

If you recall, I told the story of how I was sitting down during a PE class telling my kids to run laps and do other exercises…SITTING DOWN…I was a freaking PE teacher for goodness sake! What kind of good example was I setting for those kiddos? Not a good one, that’s for sure! I remember counting down the hours before I could go home and just lie down and watch tv because I was always tired – something needed to give!

But how do you find the motivation to one day start from scratch? Yes, I had the knowledge to exercise and eat healthy, but where would my motivation come from? I tell you, it had to come from deep within; being sick and tired of being big and lazy, I knew that baby steps would get me started. I told my husband my plan and set off to the Y every morning at 4:45am (yes, I know that’s crazy, but it was the only time I had in my crazy schedule). I found some accountability partners through an online group where we shared our workouts and nutrition tips. It’s what kept me going! And the rest is history!

It all started with motivating myself to do better for myself and my family BUT…I had to keep going! Everyone has those days where they really don’t feel like doing anything – heck, there’s even a song about that!

Things that may help you stay motivated:

  1. Set Goals! Make sure they are reasonable…don’t say I want to lose 50 pounds then get upset when the scale doesn’t budge in a week. Baby steps! Make sure the goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and has a time domain (SMART)
  2. Make your exercise/fitness routine FUN! If you dread going to the track and doing circles, change it up and hit the trails instead; take up biking or hit up a dance class. Step out of your comfort zone and keep things fun! It also helps keep you young! 🙂
  3. Make activity part of your daily routine! Every day do something active. On our fitness tracker app at the gym, I’ve put in a daily cardio section where members can put in their own workouts/runs in case they can’t make it to the box. This helps with accountability and keeps them on track!
  4. Put your activities (fitness/nutrition) down on paper…! I used to (I should do it again!) write down everything I was going to eat the next day the night before so I was prepared for the day along with the workout I was going to tackle. Once I ate that meal or did that workout, it went on the “finished” side of my journal. That journal helped me stay on track especially with my nutrition so I didn’t have to “wing it” on a daily basis!
  5. Join forces with friends and family! Not only will you obtain the accountability, you will help them out with their fitness! It’s a WIN-WIN! 🙂
  6. Reward yourself! 7 days without any sugar, buy yourself a new pair of workout shorts! 21 days straight with daily activity, take yourself out for a nice meal! Set PR’s on lifts or runs, post that stuff and let people celebrate with you! Believe it or not, people do love to celebrate other’s accomplishments, plus it helps them with their motivation too! Seeing all of my athletes at CFU accomplish what they do on a daily basis inspires me to push a little bit more even on the days I don’t feel like it!
  7. Be Flexible! Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout or two; your body will NOT fall apart! Last week I actually took 2 days off from exercising at the gym! Unheard of BUT -My body didn’t fall apart, I was right back at it on Saturday! So give yourself a break now and then and realize that you are human and things are going to come up that get in the way of some of your fitness and nutrition goals!

If anything, write down or save photos/quotes on your phone so you can see them daily. I like the positive post-its…seeing positive messages helps me stay on the right track to where my mind should be. If you are having trouble finding the motivation to either get started or keeping the momentum, reach out and let me see if I can help! We offer personal training, group classes and online training if you don’t want to start out in a gym. Just let me know at

Have a Great Week!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



When you think of this word, what does it mean to you??

*At whatever cost…

*Don’t hold back…

*All or nothing…

*Go until you can’t go any more…

*Determined to win…

*Don’t back down…

Do any of these come to mind? I’m listening to the audiobook, “Relentless” by Tim Grover…The subtitle is what caught my eye when I went to purchase it – Relentless-From Good, To Great, To Unstoppable 🙂

See why it caught my eye?? I find that listening to audiobooks these days is easier for me than reading-so many distractions! So Grover was the trainer for Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant…He knew exactly what buttons to push to get the most out of both of them (RIP Kobe 🙁 ). I also finished the documentary, The Last Dance which documents MJ’s ride with the Chicago Bulls…Very good if you haven’t watched it.

In both the series and the audiobook, all of the things I mentioned above come about. These players (well, most) had an internal drive for greatness; you should want the same for yourself! Because you deserve it! You should be relentless in your pursuit of happiness – What makes you happy? Then go for it as long as it is for the greater good!

Think of all the things that you want out of life and start your pursuit of conquering all that you desire. You must know though that in some aspects you WILL have to be relentless and not back down from a challenge! I look forward to seeing the new drive in your actions (if I see you in person or just see you online!) and hope that your relentless endeavors bring you much happiness! Have a great Sunday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Better Than Yesterday

Who Are We??

CrossFit Philosophy/Mission Statement       

Better Than Yesterday…At CrossFit Unstoppable, we believe that when you walk through the doors, your day will be made better through the community, the workout, your effort and hard work; and when you leave, you will leave better than yesterday!   

Our Values

*We value the fact that we have faith in our members no matter their level of fitness and will  encourage the members to stay after it when things get difficult.

*We value the whole athlete in regards to body, mind and spirit and will help each member reach goals never deemed possible.

*We value kindness displayed towards our members and will greet every member in the classes with a genuine attitude.

*We value fairness and equality and will, regardless of ability, train each member with exceptional practices during our classes.

*We value an optimistic spirit and will motivate and encourage the members in our classes and online when necessary.

CrossFit Unstoppable Vision

The vision for CFU is to help people in the Jefferson City community to improve their health and well-being in relationship to fitness and nutrition and to create relationships built on trust, kindness, and optimism in a like-minded community.

That’s who WE are and we would LOVE for you to join us! Just book a FREE INTRO and come see what we are all about!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Time Saving Meal Prep Tips

The concept of meal prepping can be downright overwhelming for a lot of people. 

One of the most common things I hear is “I don’t have time to meal prep!” But meal prepping doesn’t have to take you all day long. You need to come up with a realistic plan and execute it. 

Here are 3 tips for saving time on your meal prep:

  1. Create a master grocery list and have it flow in the order of your grocery store, make tons of copies and plan to just cross off what you DON’T need each week. 
  1. Invest in kitchen gadgets. Crockpots, Instant Pots, a food processor – all of these gadgets can save you a ton of time on your meal prep day. 
  1. Use 3 compartment containers. This takes the guesswork out of the equation. Fill the largest section with your non-starchy veggie, the medium section with your lean protein, and the smallest with your starch.

Take action TODAY. Write down what you plan to prep, when you plan to get groceries, and block a few hours off on your calendar to prep the food. Follow CrossFit Unstoppable on Facebook and Instagram for more helpful tips!

Need guidance? Our nutrition coaches are here to help! Set up your FREE INTRO today! 🙂 You do NOT need to be a member of CFU for our nutrition coaching!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


To Rest or Not to Rest…

Rest days are not just staying home and thinking about working out! I know it’s hard to rest sometimes because the workouts look fun and you enjoy the CFU atmosphere, but everyone needs to rest here and there. 

Rest days are often overlooked as not being as important as active days, but they shouldn’t!  Rest days are as equally as important as your active days, and below is why.

We are often so busy and focused on a “go-go-go” mentality.  We try to get many things done and workouts in that we forget that our bodies do need a mental and physical break. Our bodies need adequate rest for proper healing and recovery. I think I’ve mentioned this a time or two 😉

How can you tell if you need to take a rest day?

Being on the go all the time we may miss the signs that our bodies are crying for a rest.  On the other hand, you may be well aware that your body is telling you that it is time to “tap out” and take that needed rest.

Some common signs that your body is exhausted and overtrained and in need of rest are:

•muscle weakness and twitching

•weak grips


•mood swings


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then it may be a great idea to take a rest day.  Your body and the people around you will thank you for it!

On that note, i just realized that I’ve logged pretty tough workouts for the past 6 days and I’m definitely taking a rest day on Thursday! Do not let me work out! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 


Transformation Tuesday!

Jeremy Rowles

Wow…Wow…Wow…Would you look at this guy!! Jeremy started at CFU nearly a year ago (about 3 wks shy from his one year) and look at that Transformation!

Has it been easy? Pretty sure he would say no…But is it worth it? Damn straight he would say! Jeremy came to us with goals in mind and he is setting out to crush those goals day after day…A regular at our 4:30 classes during the week and our Sunday afternoon class along with Sunday Stretch, Jeremy is improving on everything! Whether it be his nutrition, lifts or cardio, Jeremy has one basic goal in mind – Be Better Than Yesterday!

Jeremy is a prime example of a person who takes his health seriously and will work his butt off on the mats and in the kitchen to accomplish his goals! Jeremy works 1:1 with one of our nutrition coaches, Aaron Washburn who has been with Jeremy every step of the way.

Jeremy is also one of our CityFit participants and they are covering his progress throughout the year. It has been a remarkable journey so far and I can’t wait to see what your future has in store for you, Jeremy!

We are sooooo proud of you! Keep working hard!

And if anyone reading this – you do not have to be a member of our gym to get the same coaching services that Jeremy participates in! Just book a FREE INTRO so we can get you started on your own transformation! We would love to help you with your journey!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Motivation Monday

So I realized at about 8:30 this evening that I should have posted this earlier this morning to maybe to help some of you with motivation…heck, to help me! 🙂

I find that my brain isn’t as foggy in the morning and the ol thoughts are clearer which gets to one of my points of today. I posted on our IG and FB the first day of our Stress Manangement/Wellness Challenge (of sorts). The first thing you should do is take a “mindful minute” or two…I lasted for 2 whole minutes this morning. Turn on the timer for the minute to start with and just focus on your breaths and try not to let your mind wander. (I’m a total squirrel with my thoughts-you don’t even want to know! 😉 ) The reason to do this at the beginning of the day is to start our day off with some stillness and a chance to just focus on you. During the day when you find yourself overwhelmed, you can also make this a practice of just sitting still and focusing on your breaths to help in the stress release.

Go and follow CrossFit Unstoppable on Facebook or Instagram; I’ll be posting one per day during the week (no wkds) for 21 days. Hopefully some of the things will resonate with you and some good will come out of it!

So back to motivation…I will definitely be motivated to get something pertinent written out before 9pm tomorrow! Hopefully sooner because it was a longggggg Monday-anyone else? What kept you going today? Yesterday I posted about things that could make your day better…did you get up earlier…meditate in some way…have a plan to win the day…move your body…journal about gratitude or your fitness/nutrition…do something new…help someone…Did you smile a little more? This morning at the 8:30 class I was in the mobility area stretching and Becky noticed that there was a smiley face sticker on the back of my shirt; came off of my water bottle. I did mention that part of my day was to smile more and I just wanted everyone else to share smiles as well…did you 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

I was motivated today by the athletes in that 8:30 class along with Coach Christine 🙂 Oh, and motivated by some numbers on the board. Today we had a ME (max effort) workout and it’s always hard to be the first group to do the workout so I was just chasing a couple people this morning and I happened to find a little bit more fuel to light a fire under my rear to reach that magic number. The members of the gym motivate me every day; to be the best possible person, coach and friend. I hope I do the same for them.

My family first and foremost motivate me because I want to be healthy and strong for them as I get up in the years. I’ve always said that I want to strong and fit enough to where I can take care of myself and won’t have to rely on others for assistance.

You motivate me…I may not know who is reading this stuff, but hopefully I’m putting out little bits and pieces of helpful information to help you even a little bit! I want to do what’s best for my family and the community as a whole. We need to be healthy and fit and if we work together and apply what we learn, we will be much better off!

So, take this and let it motivate you to be better than yesterday all week long! I’m rooting for you! Have a great week (and get some sleep! zzz)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!