CFU WODFest Open for Registration!

CFU Athletes! If you are wanting to enter a team in our first competition, you will need to go to CFU WODFest to get registered!
There are limited spots so act NOW!

We are also in need of sponsors-$75 places name/logo on the back of the shirt and $50 places your name/business. If you know of a business that would be interested, please take one of the sponsor forms that are on the glass case. A percentage of the proceeds will be going to The Samaritan Center.

Next week we will have a sign up for volunteers whether it be a judge, weight changer-outter 😉 or just general overseeing of the facility. My wish is that ALL of my CFU members can be a part of this in one way or another to help put CFU on the Mid-MO map of competitions. So please try and keep Saturday, October 18th open if you can!

Let me know if you have any questions! 🙂



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