Checking In…

CFU Athletes! It is VERY important for you to use the kiosk at the box or the app on your phone to check in to a class! The numbers are not corresponding with whose names are on the board and the numbers I receive from the daily WODTogether attendance. Some members are on the 3x per week or the punchcard. Make sure you are utilizing the system properly!

**Not sure what was up with WODTogether this week, but I’m going to try and work on it this week where it is more consistent. I’m also working on a method to where you would be able to receive messages via email if there are important schedule changes, upcoming events, etc…I know that SOME of you have gotten into the habit of just checking WODTogether, that’s great that you are using the system, but there is SO much more to CFU than the WOD.

Thanks for your patience during this transition! Have a Great Friday! 🙂happy friday



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