Crazy Time!!

Hey guys and gals…wanted to put a post out here to first congratulate everyone for the fine job on the 5K!!!

Second, I’m working on a pull-up program to help with strict pull-ups…over my little time away I came across a post from another gym where a gal went from one strict pull-up to 12 stricts in 2 months!! Even if you don’t have a strict yet, you will develop the strength to eventually get that first one. And the best part, it will take maybe 7-10 min 2 to 3 times per week. Hoping to have it lined out by Wednesday!

Third…Belinda (that’s me for the newbies-long story!) has a bday coming up on Friday so not only will there be a special Belinda WOD Friday, there is going to be a BOX PARTY Friday night! Come watch the Open at 6:30pm and plan on staying for snacks, drinks and some VOLLEYBALL!!
BYOB and snacks for a super evening! EVERYONE is welcome! Kids too! 🙂

Fourth, Keep believing in yourselves and the power you have within! Don’t EVER underestimate what you can do! BETTER THAN YESTERDAY!!

And Fifth, I (we) love you all! 😉

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!



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