CrossFit Gave Him His Health Back…

Some background.

By age 32, Nick Roubanis weighed 269 pounds, was taking medicine twice a day for asthma and using his inhaler more than 15 times a day.

“I was experiencing numbness in my arms at night. When I went to the doctor, they started discussing blood pressure medication,” Roubanis said.

A big year.

That same year, Roubanis got married. His wife, a CrossFitter, dragged him into CrossFit Bell in Long Island City, NY. Roubanis thought he’d cruise through a few classes, try to keep up, and be able to keep his diet the same as before.

He was wrong.

He started working with Anthony Lucic, coach and founder of CrossFit Bell and within weeks he was done 60 pounds.

A new life.

Roubanis still struggles with the urge to overeat, but he’s happier and healthier than he can remember. “My health has taken a 180. I look forward to going to the doctor and getting a clean bill of health. My asthma is completely under control without any medication.”

His biggest accomplishment isn’t the weight loss or getting off the medication, though. It’s getting to play with his kids. “I have two children, James, 5, and Penelope, 3, and I’m physically able to keep up with them,” he said.


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