Happy Friday! Way to make it through a tough week of WOD’s!! Anyone set any PR’s?? Who made it in at least 4x this week? More Box Visits = Better Results! 🙂
Anyone else need to sign up for the Athletes Night Out on February 13th? There’s still room! Going to be a great time! Go For Fit Fuel will be catering the meal…$15/person at the Colonel Bolton outside of Wardsville. Time to see everyone all snazzied up for a great time!
Crazy WOD on Saturday morning at 7:30am…experienced CFers only; look at the WOD beforehand and know all the movements/scaling options, etc….There is not a trainer “staffed” for this WOD so be careful and be smart!
Open Gym on Sunday 12-1:30 due to the Super Bowl…there will also be a regular 3pm class as well!
Now for the WOD’s…
4 x Hang Snatch + Snatch @85%
3 Rounds for time:
21 Calorie Row
15 Box Jumps (30/24)
9 Power Cleans (155/105)
6 MU
3 Rope Climbs
15min AMRAP
100m run
15 DU’s
10 MBC’s 20/14
15 WB Situps 20/14
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!