“History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.”~B.C. Forbes
Friday night @ 6:30pm– If you have never experienced the Open or CFU Friday Night Lights, you should plan on attending, if not to participate (you can scale/modify the WOD), but to watch the CFU athletes leave it all on the floor! Some of the athletes are registered with hundreds of thousands around the World in this yearly event.
Anyways, this is a great time for our CFU community to come together and support one another! The workouts start around 6:30ish and we are finished by around 7:30 depending on the number of participants; we usually hang out for a little social afterwards. Hope a lot of you can make it! It’s a great time!
REMEMBER-NO 5:15pm CLASSES the next 5 Fridays! Come to the CFXpress at Noon or modify the Open WOD’s at 6:30 😉
(Saturday morning there WILL be a 7:30am WOD!)
Friday Night’s Workout –15.1
9min AMRAP
15 T2B
10 Deadlift 115/75
5 Snatch 115/75
Workout 15.1a
1RM of Clean & Jerk – 6min time cap 🙂
FRIDAY-5:15am, 8:30am, Noon (Xpress), 4:30
Bench Press 5×3 @80-85%
DU’s (3x singles)
KB Swing 53/35
Weighted Lunges 53/35
Bonus Work
3×15 hollow rocks, 3×10 reverse crunches, 3×4 pullup negatives