Friday, 03.28.14

Last Friday of the month! Where the heck is the time going?!? The kids are already talking about summer break!

If y’all haven’t heard, Liz had a beautiful baby boy this morning at 1:30am(he beat the dark and early crew 😉 ) Gavin weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and is 20″ long. Liz, Eric, Gavin and the other kiddos are doing great. Continue to send your prayers 🙂

14.5 participants, looks like a lotta thrusters and burpees for us Friday! Ouch! But let’s give it our ALL for the last WOD of the Open!
Hope to see lots of you there to help cheer us on!

Happy Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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