Happy Friday!
More details about the in-house c0mpetition that will go on through May will be posted this weekend!
Good luck to the Color Vibe runners/walkers on Saturday! We are meeting at 8:45am Saturday for a pre-race pic at Central Bank then again at the same place at 10am for an after pic! Let’s Go Team CF Unstoppable!! 🙂
Just a heads up for the Powder Puff Football players from last year… I received a phone call today that we would be allowed the $3k entry fee as opposed to the the $5k entry fee since we are the CHAMPIONS!! So….if you are wanting to play this year, let me know…the funds do not have to be raised and donated until July 1st. Let’s Do This!! 🙂 If we could have about 20 players, that would be great!! 🙂
Crazy Sock Day!!! Wear Them!
3-3-3-3-3-3 reps of: deadlift
coach’s choice
coachs choice
WOD Notes
The WOD’s are too “crazy” to put on the whiteboard…WODTogether software would not understand my thinking! Imagine that! But know that you will be doing some gymnastics movements and lifting…no running, rowing, rope climbing or du’s 🙂 And it’s CRAZY SOCK DAY!!!!