Friday, 04.24.15


Awesome job on “Hammer” guys and gals and to the TECies who did the TEC WOD…nice going as well! Keep doing great things everyone! 

A little reminder that Natalie will be competing in the JCCF Capital City Throwdown on Saturday and Wilson/Ryan, White/MikeB and Norma/myself will be doing the team competition on Sunday.

These comps start around 8:30 each day and have various heat times throughout the day so if you are out and about, wear your CFU gear and come out and support your fellow CFUers 🙂 pretty sure we’d all appreciate the encouragement! 

Snatch 5×1 3POS @70-80%

15min AMRAP
200m Run/Row (alternate)-run to Praxair Sign
5 Burpees
10 Hollow Rocks
5 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Box/ring dips

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 


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