Classes Friday: 5:15, 8:30, Noon Xpress, 4:30, 5:15pm
Saturday: Crazy WOD @ 7:30am, Regular WOD @ 9am
Sunday @ 3pm
Monday-ONE CLASS ONLY @ 9am-Memorial Day Murph (Hero WOD)
Today the 8:30 class and I had to say goodbye to LacyK ๐ She and her husband Pat are moving to Omaha, NE and we wish her the best of luck on her new journey! You are going to do great things in Nebraska, Lacy!! ๐
Starting Monday, June 1st we will have a 6:25am “Beat the Heat” Xpress WOD! We will have these classes on MWF…there will be a warmup then the workout however if you would like to do the strength, I will stick around and let you fit it in ๐ This addition of class times will hopefully alleviate some of the numbers in the 5:15am and 4:30pm classes AND allow you to WOD when it’s 15-20 degrees cooler ๐
Looking forward to seeing big numbers in those classes!
Happy Friday!
Pushups (banded or plate elevated 45/25) 5xME
20min AMRAP w/Partner
*Both will run/row 200m(Praxair sign) after each have done a round of:
4 TGUโs (2 each side)- 53/35
8 KB (53/35)
8 V-ups (one working at a time) Scales: 18/15/12min
(If you choose to row, it will be 250m)
Have a great and safe Memorial Day weekend!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!