Lots of PR’s on “Annie” today! Yay! And guess what Challenge we are doing for June??? Sit-ups and Doubleunders! Stay tuned for an announcement for a Doubleunder clinic coming soon!
Reminder that starting on Monday, June 1st we will start the 6:25am Beat the Heat Xpress class–>Warmup+WOD then go to work! Or if you’d like to stay for the strength after, I will stay for ya 😉
Saturday Schedule: Crazy WOD at 7:30am(experienced only please)
9am regular WOD AND if anyone would like to do MURPH bc you missed it on Monday, you can do that WOD as well; I know there’s a couple people wanting to do the Hero WOD.
Happy Friday!
Clean grip deadlifts 3×5 @ 80% (2s pause above knees)
10min Skill Work
15min AMRAP
5 Thrusters (95/65)
5 Barbell rollouts
10 Lateral Barbell Jumps
10 Barbell Floor Wipers (video below)
(if athletes cannot keep barbell pressed up then they will extend arms behind them on the floor holding on to the barbell to do the movement)
Scales: 12, 10, 8 min