Friday, 05.30.14

crazy sock day

Crazy Sock Day!!! 🙂

A few things…

*I will be needing some people willing to stay after the 9am WOD this Saturday to do a little late Spring Clean up-including shop vacuuming the corners, deep cleaning the mats, vacuuming the carpet, sweeping the court, maintenance on the barbells, and cleaning/disinfecting the equipment and rig. If you are willing and able it shouldn’t take too long if we have a good group! Thanks in advance!

*Tuesday June 3rd we will be starting our “Beat The Heat” classes…these classes will be held at 6:30am on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Friday mornings. As long as we have 5 consistent athletes at each of these classes, I will leave these on the schedule for the summer. It might be a good idea to let me know if you plan on taking advantage of this class…Let’s you sleep in a little later and let’s you avoid the summer heat a bit. AND gets your workout out of the way for the day!! Come join me on Tuesday! 🙂

*Friday, June 6th 7pm-?? “WOD Now Wine Later” Ladies Night…We’ll do a short little workout then have some fun! Even if you can only come for a little bit, COME!! Guys, you will have your night too (“Barbell Then Beer” 😉 )

*Saturday June 14th @ Russellville 11am, CFU has been asked to put on a demonstration of what we do at their annual festival so I was thinking we could do a mini-Flash WOD there. I need 6-8 people if you would be willing to participate. Let me know if you are willing…

*Doubleunder Clinic-Saturday, June 14th 2:30-4:30 @ CFU! I STILL NEED 7 PEOPLE TO SIGN UP!! Register here:

*Saturday June 14th starting about 5:30pm we will be having a Summer BBQ/CFU Football Fundraiser Party! We will begin bbqing at 5:30 so bring a dish, meat of your choice to grill and beverages of choice. We will have some Silent Auction items as well as the Raffle drawing…Stay tuned for the list of prizes to be WON!! Hope lots of you can make it to the PARTY!!

*Save the Date: Friday night July 25th from 7:30-9pm, CFU has rented out Memorial pool and all members and their families are invited to the POOL PARTY!! We had lots of fun last year…so mark it on your calendar! 🙂

I think that is it for announcements; this info will probably most likely go out in an email as well as I know some people don’t catch all of the announcements…Oh, I was going to do a re-order on the “Wine” Tanks…Is anyone interested?? Let me know!

Happy Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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