Friday, 06.05.15

Happy Friday!! Everyone ready for some “Fran”?? 😉 Remember we have the 6:25am class Friday AND the Noon class for Xpress WOD’s! 

WOD Then Wine Night Friday!! 6:30pm We WILL be doing a workout so be prepared! BYOB and a snack….Let’s have a great turnout!

2 more days of bring a friend/free classes! Thanks to everyone who has brought someone in this week! 

StrongMan Saturday 7:30am

Regular WOD at 9am

WODFest meeting at 10:15am-we need to start planning! 🙂 Oct. 24th is the date! Mark it down! 

10min Overhead Mobility Work

Push Press: 6×3 @ 75%

“Frantastic Friday”
Thrusters (95/65)

Scales: 18-12-7, 15-9-6, 9-6-3


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.