Friday, 06.26.15

CrAzY SoCk DaY! We’ve got cleans and deadlifts on tap so let’s get Crazy! 🙂

Speaking of Crazy…Crazy WOD Saturday at 7:30am, regular WOD at 9am!

Some of us are doing the TJ Clime 5K at Thomas Jefferson Saturday morning. Let’s meet at 7:45 for a group pic! Wear your CFU shirts! 

I had to cancel the pool party for Friday night due to the incoming storms; bc of scheduling, it will not be rescheduled. Sorry!

SUNDAY @ 4:30 we will have a WODFest meeting. If you plan to help, please be there so we can get things going! I’d like to open up registration in about 6 weeks! That’s not very long…thanks in advance!

Have you heard about the Nutrition Challengers?!? We’ve lost a total of 191# in 6 weeks! I have set a goal for our total loss to be 300#+ so let’s get it in gear people! 

Just a heads up on Monday’s WOD; it is the CrossFit Total-3 attempts for each of the following lifts to get a 1RM-Back Squat, Press, Deadlift. The 6:25 WILL do all 3 lifts so plan on staying a little longer if need be. This a good opportunity for everyone to see their improvement since the last Total (November I believe) and for the newer members to see just how strong they really are! 😉 I’m looking forward to people filling the PR board!! 

Mobility for Lower Back/Hamstrings-10min

EMOM 12: 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat @ 80% clean 1RM

Deadlift (225/155)
Barbell Burpees
Scale: Start at 8, 7, or 6

Happy Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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