Friday, 07.11.14


Proud of those who took on “Karen” Thursday!! Some for the first time…you know it’s going to be hard when it’s a “girl’s name”! My advice to you is to drink lots of water, stretch, and move as much as possible!

Not sure if some of you saw my post the other day about our new referral system…Bring in a friend for a class, if they sign up for a 101/month, you get $10 off your membership; if he/she signs up for a 2nd month, you BOTH get $10 off your next month’s membership! It’s a win-win situation and your friend gets fitter! 🙂 You will just have to help remind me come the beginning of the month AND when your friend is coming in!

Have a great Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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