A few announcements about upcoming events…
- Friday night 7:30-9pm – Pool Party at Memorial…All CFU members and their families are welcome; CFU has rented out the facility for YOU to come and get out of the heat (and it’s gonna be HOT!) or just socialize with the rest of the TRIBE! Please come even if it’s on the way back from dinner! Just $1 at the gate; the Concession stand may or may not be happen, feel free to bring your own refreshments/snacks (no alcohol) hope y’all can make it!
- Monday and Wednesday next week we will have a couple of FREE trial classes for Fit4U Training (“CrossFit Lite”) and JrKidsFit (grades 6-8); the Fit4U will meet from 5:15-5:45pm and the JrKidsFit will meet from 5:45-6:15pm. If you know of someone who would like to try out one of these classes, send them my way (619-2142); if they sign up, $5 off your membership! REGULAR CLASSES will begin the first full week of August at the same times mentioned (we do need at least 5 participants for each class)-Cost for Fit4U will be $50/month MWS (Sat is 9:30-10am) classes while the JrKidsFit will be $60/10 visit punch card
- Tuesday and Thursday next week, I will hold TWO FREE CrossFit Kids classes…8:30-9am…REGULAR classes will be on TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS from 4:30-5:15pm and SATURDAYS from 8:30-9am and will begin the first FULL week of August; the T/Th classes will have a built in study hall time. I would LOVE to fill the box with kiddos wanting to GET FIT! Send them my way! Cost will be $60/10 visit punch card.
- SATURDAY, August 2nd there will be a 2-hr Olympic Lifting/Barbell Class from 8am-10am…Please sign up by the office door! Class that day will be moved to 10am. If you want to get better on your form, then make plans to attend this FREE clinic put on by the Olympic Lifting Certified coaches-Britt, ChrisW, and Andi. You’ll definitely benefit from this clinic.
- We will be starting CFU Barbell up again in August…The first full week will go as such-Tuesdays @ 6:30pm, Saturday mornings at 8am and the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 2pm (Each class will last one hour). These classes will dramatically improve your skill on your lifts. So put these classes on your list if you are interested!
- Saturday, August 9th-the 3rd annual Kicks in the Sticks Run at Binder Park; last year we had about 15 CFU members participate! Let’s beat that number this year…The race is in the evening(approx. 6:30ish) with beer and a band after! For more information go to Kicks in the Sticks 2014. Hope to see LOTS of you there!
I think that’s about it for now!
In case you didn’t see the post from earlier…
By Lisbeth…
“All the positive thinking in the world won’t do you ANY good unless you take ACTION! So what are YOU going to do about YOU?!? Take a read…
“It’s not enough to think it. I know there are tons of positive-thought books and websites and social media pages. People will tell you that if you think great thoughts, then great things will happen. It’s this idea that by thinking positive thoughts, you put energy into the world that will be returned to you.
That’s only partly true.
See, there’s this other part called action — and that’s where the real stuff goes down.
You can think good thoughts all the time, but if you don’t get off your butt and put some mojo behind your flow, then you’re not going to be any better tomorrow than you are today.
You really can’t think yourself richer or stronger or thinner or happier or more successful. And you absolutely can’t use mental power to make the Swedish Bikini Team appear in your living room. (Not that I’ve tried that. I mean, more than twice.)
Thoughts are important, definitely. Hugely important. Overwhelmingly influential in your day and your life. You must get your mind right.
But then you absolutely must put your butt in gear too.
No one is going to knock on your front door and bring you the job you want, the partner you want, the body you want, or sunshine in a box. The only thing that will be delivered to your front door is what you have bought and paid for — whether by money or effort or love. Give Amazon your money and they’ll ship you anything you desire. Give your focus and effort to running or your back squat and guess what happens? Your running or back squat improves. Give people your energy and love and they will show up for you when you need the same back from them. (Well, most of them. Some folks are losers, but they’re lessons too. Be grateful for the clouds so that you can appreciate the light.)
Remember that you absolutely must get your butt in gear, too. Nothing happens by magic.
A great life takes great effort. Get moving.”
Have a GREAT weekend!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!