Some schedule changes concerning some of the Kids classes…
CFKids will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-4:30pm(The box will be open at 3:45 for the school-age kids to work on homework prior to, or you can work after if needed). We will only have Saturday classes if there are at least 5 interested…so please let me know!
There has not been a turnout for the JrKidsFit so that class has been cancelled on MWF at 5:45 (if you are interested in something for your child, please let me know).
We still have openings in the “Fit4U”(CrossFit Lite) Jefferson City class; we meet MW from 5:15-5:45pm and Saturday mornings from 9:30-10am. Let Coach know if you or someone else is interested!
A little head’s up if you missed it; we are planning CFU’s First Annual WODtoberFest on Saturday, Oct. 18th…the comp is a team competition with teams consisting of 2 males or 2 females…we will have Rx, Scaled, Modified and Kids (Teens and CFKids). We will be announcing the comp on Aug. 15th with registration beginning on Aug. 18th. We will have a pre-registration for all CFU members in the event you would like to participate….In order to make this a successful event, we are going to need LOTS of Volunteers…We will be assigning shifts throughout the day for those who are available…We have about 100 members; wouldn’t it be AMAZING if every single member could be involved in this Competition in one way or the other?? So SAVE THE DATE-10/18 (comp will run from 8am-4pm; party to follow 🙂 )
Be looking for a volunteer sign-up board!
Happy Friday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!