Happy Friday! ๐ It’s been a long, fast week! Want to welcome Charlene and Julia to the CFU crew! Some of you have been doing the Squat Cycle for the last 6 weeks and MAX OUT day is Friday! I’m sure we are going to see some BIG numbers! Those of you who are a week or two behind, let us know what PR you reach!
Speaking of PR’s, did you hear that Sledge(JennieV) had 73 linked DU’s today?!? Dannnnggggg! I need to get to work! Please share your successes on SugarWOD or the members page! We love hearing about it and seeing your progress! Keep up the great work everyone!
Speaking of progress, Scriv and I kinda “fell” into this 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge which we started last month…20 workouts with 500 swings each (Russian)…oh my goodness! It’s been a long time since I’ve focused on something in terms of performance. So glad that I started and that Scriv decided to join the “Fun”! We will be doing our last set of swings tomorrow at the 5:15pm class and then celebrating with a couple of brews after if you want to “swing” by ๐
Nice work, Scriv!!
Oh! And I just wanted to share some “Kettlebell Love” with y’all with this WOD…Happy Swingin’! ๐
a) split leg squats (KB/hand) 3×6
b) light to moderate barbell good mornings 3×5
EMOM 20 (alternating minutes)
Odd: 20 Russian KB (53/35)
Even: 20 Russian Twists (53/35)
Scale: 15 reps/10 reps