Friday, 10.17.14

Saturday’s the big day! CFU will have close to 100 competitors on site! A Great BIG Thanks goes out to everyone who has helped turn this event into a reality! Lots of hard work has been put in and I KNOW this is going to turn out to be a Fantastic day! And to those who have volunteered to help, please be on site at 6:30am(please park at MODot and walk over)-remember to wear your shirt!!
We hope to finish everything up around 4ish and if you’d like stick around for a few beverages and socialize with the other athletes!

Now about Friday’s WOD…

10EMOM(alt minutes)
Even: 6 KB walking lunge each leg AHAP
Odd: 10 Hollow Rock, 10 Push-ups

3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 KB 53/35
20 Straight-leg Sit-ups
15 Deadlifts 185/115
10 Burpees

Classes will run at their normal times Friday, but obviously there will not be a WOD on Saturday. Classes resume at their normal time on Sunday!

Happy Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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