Friday, 10.24.14

Strength: OHS 3×8 @ 75-80% 1RM (don’t exceed 80%)

3 rounds for time of:
400 m run
10 Front Squats (135 / 95)
12 Barbell Burpees
**Rest exactly 2 minutes between rounds**
Score will be total time taken to complete all three rounds, including rest.

Bonus Work: 50 DU’s (or attempts), 3x30sec handstand holds, 3×20 weighted sit-ups

Bonus video…You can’t out-train a bad diet! Nutrition meeting on Sunday, November 2nd 1:30pm. We will discuss strategies in cleaner eating and avoiding the “it’s the holidays” excuses!

Happy Friday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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