Friday, 10.3.14

Remember that we will be doing the CF Total on Saturday at 8am and 9am. Sign ups are on the Saturday board.
There will not be a regular WOD on Saturday.
Those who can’t make it Saturday will be able to Total at the 3pm class on Sunday(we will have a regular WOD that day).

Please bring in your canned food items and mark your total up on the board; would like to give a hefty donation to the Samaritan Center along with a percentage from the WODFest!

Friday Night Lights is next Friday, Oct. 10th at 6:30pm. We will be doing a couple of WOD’s in support of the Special Olympics(a free will donation will be taken). A special guest will be on hand which will make this night extra special! Hope you all can make it!
Plan on staying after for a BOX PARTY! BYOB and a snack 🙂

Strength: 10min EMOM alternating minutes

3-5 strict T2B(no kipping)-if working from floor, slow ascent and descent

6-10 strict pull-up(add wt if necessary; if unable to perform pullup, work negative or partner assisted)

CrossFit Cards!
25 min AMCAP
Power Snatch

Advanced WOD
(In case you didn’t get your thrusters in Thursday)
800m run
20 thrusters 95/65
400m run
10 thrusters 115/85
800m run
*only one bar

6 rounds
400m run rest 30 sec Sprint 100 rest 1 min

Happy Friday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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