What a GREAT turn out for our Halloween WOD and thanks to those for being good sports in dressing in costume for the WOD!! Y’all are great!
I’ll be posting the pics on the CrossFit Unstoppable Facebook page and collecting some votes…I already have some Favs!
And great job on the WOD! 🙂
New CF101 class on Saturday from 10-noon…if you know of anyone who wants to get started, steer them to the website for the AMAZING deal for November!!
Just as a gentle reminder, if you do not recognize a face, introduce yourself!! It’s what CFU members do!!
Keep Saturday, Nov. 16th in the afternoon open…Birthday Bash/BBQ scheduled; yep I know it’s opening day for deer season, but not everyone hunts…and it’s not EVERY day that we get to celebrate CFU’s bday!! 2 years Strong! This years proceeds are going to the Veterans Honors Flight…
Ok, gotta focus on Charlie Brown and the great pumpkin! Have a great night and Happy Friday!!
Work Hard, Eat Clean(not too much candy), Be Blessed!!