Awesome job at the box Thursday ladies and gents!
Don’t forget on Friday we have the noon CrossFitXpress class. Also Saturday morning the workout will be at 7:30 AM for the crazies and 9 o’clock for the “somewhat normal folks” 😉
Split leg lunge: 3×8 (each leg) AHAP w/DB or KB (if you want it more challenging, perform Bulgarian Split Squat)
-Split Squat: DB/KB in both hands at side, descend straight down until back knee touches ground (front shin should be vertical), drive through front heel and back toe
– Bulgarian Split Squat: same as split squat but back leg is elevated
Three sets of:
3 min AMRAP of:
9 Hang Power Cleans (115 / 75)
7 Front Squats
5 Shoulder to Overhead **Rest 2 minutes between sets.
At the beginning of each set, pick up where you left off. Score will be total rounds and reps completed.
Bonus Work
3×3 Negative Pullups
3×25 butterfly situps
3×20 flutter kicks