Remember we have the CFXpress class at Noon Friday!
Also, some of you may have seen my little push on Facebook, friends, please do me a favor and share our CFU page and write a short testimony on WHY people should be doing CF…there are more people out there who need help and CFU can deliver! I will be running a Black Friday Special for NEW CrossFitters so let your friends and family know that they need to Like the CFU page to watch for the deal next Friday morning!!
Day 3 of the Squat cycle….You all are putting in some great work! Really excited on seeing your gainzzzzz!!
Another shout out to the Sugar Detox group…there are 24 of us and we are 4 days in of the 10 day challenge! Keep on Keepin’ On everyone! 🙂
Bench: 5×3 @80%
10 min AMRAP
6 Push Presses (115/75)
9 Toes to Bar
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
Bonus Work
Blvd Run