Friday, 11.28.14

Classes Friday are 6:30am and 9am! Come in and burn off some of that Thanksgiving dinner! 🙂

Today is CFU’s Birthday! 🙂 Three years since we had our very first CF101 class! So glad you all have been along for the ride! 🙂
Hope you can make it in for the WOD!

Members should take a look at the Black Friday Special and see if any family or friends would be interested in starting CrossFit as you could purchase one of the gift cards as a Christmas gift! Give someone the gift of Fitness!

Push-up Challenge starts Monday! You and your partner will complete 2,015 pushups during the 31 days of December; it averages out to about 32 a day per person. Who’s in? 🙂

15min EMOM
  1) 8-10 strict T2B
  2) 30 second hollow rock hold
  3) 15 supermans (3sec hold at top)

CFU 3rd Anniversary WODPartner WOD…CF Cards

25 min AMCAP
Power Clean 95/65
Box Dips
Box Jumps
Tire Flips

Bonus Work: 3-1min planks, 3-20 second handstand holds, 3sets 3-5 sec negative pullups



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