Classes today: 6:30, 9am, Noon (regular class-not Xpress), and 4:30!
It’s Back Squat MAX day! Come in and see your Gainzzzzz! 🙂
EMOM 10:Snatch + OHS + Power Snatch @75-80%
12min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts (185/135)
1 Rope Climb(5 pulls from floor)
10 walking lunges
5 Barbell Burpees
1 Muscle-up (Pullup+Ring Dip)
10 DU’s (tuck jumps is sub)
Bonus Work
3×15 Superman “snow angels” 3x15sec ring dip holds at top, 3×20 weighted sit-ups
See ya at the box!
Work Hard,
Eat Clean, Be Blessed!