“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”~Confucius
What do you think your full potential is? Do you believe you can do more? Do you have more to give? Better yet, do you have more to give OTHERS?? Do you realize there are people at the box who look up to you?? You say, “who me?” Yes, You! The ones who fight day in and day out, the ones who get their rears out of bed at 4:30am to WOD, the ones who run that extra Blvd loop because they can, the ones who give more than they really have to because they WANT to…What do you WANT? Take the steps NOW and get after that WANT…I promise, you’ll be glad you went after it!
Excellent job to all of the 9-11 WODers! I know it was a tough one, but there are those in this world doing tougher things than us so remember the Attitude of Gratitude! 🙂
Reminder of the Pool Party Saturday at Reese’s house-3100 Citadel Ct. He and Cindy are serving up salmon, burgers, beer and wine; please bring a dish or dessert to share and any other beverages you wish. If you haven’t RSVPed yet, let me know so he has enough stuff to grill! P.S. you don’t have to swim, you can just hang out 🙂
Mark it on your calendars….OCTOBER 3RD 6:30-?? FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!! We will be doing a little fundraiser (free will offering) for Special Olympics! We will have some short WOD’s then box party later…BYOB and snacks if you’d like!
Have a Great Friday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!
Strength10 min EMOM alternating 6 strict pullups -12 V-ups
6 rounds for time w/ Partner:
250m Row*15 KB Swings (53/35)*15 Burpees*250m Row
*Partners switch after each round. Each partner will do 3 rounds.(One working at a time)*
(Remember your rowing can count for calories for the Sept. Challenge-just have your partner check the calories after the first set of 250m then take the calories times 6)