Happy Independence Day! How are you celebrating? BBQ, Fireworks, a few drinks? All of the above for me, but I’m going to keep it under control 😉
Many people use the summer months as an excuse to let things slide a little bit (some – a LOT!). We see a lot of this in our profession around the holiday months as well and the rationale behind the excuses really isn’t acceptable. Why? Because to get decent results with exercise and nutrition, one can eat pretty clean 80% of the time and workout 3-4 times per week. If they choose to tighten up the reins a bit then they will see even better results.
I’ve been on my “latest” fitness journey for 10 years now and I have had those days and months even when I’ve gotten off track. Many think that progress is only hard at the beginning of the journey; I’m here to tell you, that just isn’t true…things come up which try to derail you. You lose focus and you need to find your way back. You get too comfortable after losing 50# then slowly the weight comes back on because an extra bite here or there won’t hurt, right? Do you know what I’m talking about?
Progress is definitely not a straight line either! There will be ups and downs throughout one’s health journey, but the main thing is to NOT focus on the setbacks and forge on towards a healthier future! Are you better than yesterday? Are you better than you were a year ago? If not, set some new goals and set out to reach them and see where you end up in a week, a month, a year…Build healthy habits and watch your success happen!
Put in the work and it will work for you! If you want progress and transformation, then get yourself back on track and make things happen-You are worth it! If you need some extra guidance and accountability, let us know and we can get you started! We want to help people with their journeys!
Have a safe and happy 4th!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!