Throwing this out there for those who want some supplemental work along with the regular workouts.
I read on a post somewhere where a gal went from 1 strict to 12 strict pullups in 8 weeks. Wow! So this is what she said they did…you can follow it if you’d like but this is strictly on your time after/before the WOD or during suck bucket/open gym time.
*8 wk program
*2x per week with at least 1 rest day between
*Do 5 sets of 5 pullups with minimum assistance.
*Rest 2 minutes in between sets.
*Once it starts getting easier, decrease the assistance or add weight to your pullups.
*If you put in the work (we’re talking an extra 12 min or so 2x/wk), it will work for you.
It’s the EXTRA that you do which gives you results!!
So if you would like to do this, my suggestion would be to test out a band(s) today or tomorrow and get started next week. By the first week of May, we may have some first time pullups!!
Let me know if you have any questions!