Got Stress??

Sunday already…where did the weekend go?? I hope you all had a good and productive one! I had every intention to check a lot of things off the list, but sometimes you just need a little down time…I may or may not have binge watched a show on Netflix or watched a movie here and there 😉

With a week full of classes (very HOT in the gym by the way!), a slew of volleyball lessons, and the ins and outs of running the business, things can get a little bit stressful. So how do you manage your stress and your workload? Do you just deal with it or do you have any tips that help you manage throughout the week?

One thing I like to do is sit down on Sunday evening and map out the week to see when I’ve got some larger blocks of time to fit in some “down time”; let me tell you, it’s not often that down time happens so I’ll take it when I can get it! Take time for YOU every day!

Another thing that has proven helpful for me is that I get up at the same time on most mornings for some “quiet time”…a good cup of coffee and some devotion/reading time is just what I need to start the day off right. I also like to tackle 3 big things that are on my list so that way I can basically say that I’ve won the day! It’s a good feeling when you’ve accomplished 3 major tasks before 9am!

Exercise is a HUGE stress reliever for me and most of the time you can find me in the gym (well, that’s where you mostly see me anyway 😉 ) working out between 8:30 and Noon or so. I really like working out with a group so I try to hit a regular class as much as my schedule will allow. Working out with other athletes at CFU helps keep me motivated AND helps with accountability!

I would most likely go to the earlier classes, but SLEEP lately has been taking precedence. I find that when my sleep patterns are off or I don’t get enough sleep, my anxiety shoots up and it’s hard to manage. I would recommend that you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night in order for your body to properly recover and reset for the next day!

Last but certainly not least, my nutrition must be on point otherwise I stress eat or eat out of boredom. You’ve probably been there before as well, but planning out your meals and snacks is a sure way to success. I know I should have done some meal prepping this weekend (I still have a couple hours tonight!), but “doing nothing” felt good for a change! If you need help with your nutrition or would like to get started at CFU, book a Free No Sweat Intro…we would love to help you out!

It’s really easy to get caught up in the rat race of going here, going there, doing this, doing that, when do I have time, I don’t have enough time, what am I going to do if I don’t get this done…BREATHE…Slow down and make a plan. Nothing is more important than your health and well-being because if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t have much to give to others. So take care of yourself, will ya?? Have a great week!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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