June Newsletter

june news

Wow! How did May go by so quickly?? I was able to experience my second child’s high school graduation…which makes me feel kinda old! ๐Ÿ™‚ But AGE is just a number when it comes to your mindset…I do not feel old enough to have two kids in college and one heading to middle school in August. I believe the CrossFit lifestyle coupled with pretty clean eating has helped me in this department! Thank you for being part of CFU and allowing me to help you with your goals! If you ever have any questions about nutrition, modifications, accessory exercise, etc… just let me know and I will help steer you in the right direction.

Now for some announcements…

First, WELCOME to ALL of the new members in May! You have made CFU an even more special place for being a part of our workout family! Looking forward to all of you reaching your goals and getting stronger with every round and rep you put forth in a WOD!

Congrats to Carmen and Norma for obtaining their CF Level 1 Trainers Certificates! They will be shadowing classes for a bit longer and then will be coaching some 8:30, Noon, and an occasional 6:25am/5:15pm class. We are lucky to have them on our CFU Trainer Team!

June 1-6: FREE CFU Classes for anyone interested in getting started with CFU…make sure you let me know if you are bringing someone in so I can meet him/her and help out if needed.

June’s Fitness Challenge is linked on Monday’s blog post…abs, waist, hips…and Doubleunders!There is a spot for you to measure these 3 spots and then re-measure at the end of the month. I will leave my tape measure on the coat rack shelf in case you’d like to measure at the box.

Summer Hour Changes…just a few: MWF we are adding a 6:25am “Xpress Beat the Heat” class; this will be a warmup and WOD class with the opportunity to do the strength portion after if you have the time (and your body’s up to it!).  We will have CFU Barbell at 6:30pm every Tuesday and a CFU TECS WOD every other Tuesday at 5:30pm (this week however it will be at 4:30pm). Kids classes will ONLY meet on Monday mornings-CFKids 9:30-10, JrKidsFit 10-10:30. We will resume a regular 2x per week schedule once school is back in session. **Please refer to the blog for daily announcements pertaining to class cancellations if need be**

Summer “Fun Runs”: Saturday June 13th: 7:30am on Edgewood–>3-4 miles   Sunday June 21st: 7:30am on the Katy Trail (out by Turkey Creek)–>4-6 miles   Saturday June 27th: 8am–>TJ Clime Cupcake 5K at Thomas Jefferson Middle School (forms are on the glass case)…Let’s support this young child CFU Style! We will meet that morning at 7:25am for packet pickup and photo op!  Anyone is welcome to tag along with these “runs”…you can run/walk, walk, crawl, whatever…just something to get together to Be Better Than Yesterday! ๐Ÿ™‚

WOD Then Wine Night for the Ladies Friday June 5th  6:30-?? We will start the warmup at 6:30 following introductions of guests (remember every guest you bring gives you an entry for a $50 CFU gift certificate AND your guest gets an entry for a month of Foundations/CF Classes!). The workout (will be a partner WOD…and I’m sure you will LOVE it!) will then be 15-20min followed by your favorite beverage! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Please bring a snack to share as well! Hope lots of you can make it! 2nd Annual CFU WODFest Planning meeting – Saturday June 6th following the 9am WOD. We need to start planning now for another successful event! I would greatly appreciate any help! CFU Pool Party Friday June 26th  7:30-9pm at Riverside Pool. CFU has rented out the facility and CFU members and their families are welcome to come enjoy some fun and fellowship! There is a $1/person at the gate.

General CFU Housekeeping Notes…

  • Proper Nutrition/Hydration during the hot/humid summer months is a MUST! DO NOT show up to WOD in a dehydrated state or in a fasted state. Know your limits and let the trainer know if you are not feeling well!
  • Clean-up after you are finished WODing…proper sanitizing and cleaning up equipment used is required…please clean up your area! However, keep in mind that your fellow athletes may still be finishing up a WOD and it is always great to offer extra encouragement! Show your CFU spirit for your fellow athletes!
  • Parking lot-make sure you use caution when pulling into the CFU lot as there may be runners from the previous classes. Also do not park in the spaces on the East side of the Otke building; this blocks their garage door.
  • FitAid/Water-PLEASE make sure you have marked your FitAid pickup or paid for your beverages. I have noticed in the last couple weeks that a few people may have been WOD impaired and have just grabbed a FitAid without marking down. Cost for a 10-punchcard is $22, a case (24) is $48. It is a great recovery drink!
  • LIFEStrong Nutrition Challenge is in full swing and we have completed 3 weeks! Check out the goals/pics board and I bet you can already see some changes in these awesome peeps! Keep up the great work!
  • Classes-Try your best to be on time to class so you don’t miss proper mobility and warmup time…Also when the trainers are demonstrating or speaking, please make sure you are respectful to them and the other athletes by listening (you never know when you may pick up something new with movements and such!). Be prepared to stay until the last athlete is finished; show your support for them and cheer them on! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • SugarWOD-a nice little app to help track your workouts…enter your 1RM and get your % calculations…you can export your data to your email as well. Have an idea of what you are going to lift/start at etc…Not all the trainers will know exactly where you are at, that is YOUR responsibility so again, know your limits, write things down so you can get Stronger and Fitter!
  • Payments-please use the envelopes on the cart by the front door and write on the front what the $ is for then slide under office door. Things stay more organized this way.

I believe that’s all for now, but I’m sure other announcements will come up during the month which is why you should get in the habit of checking the blog post for the workout/announcements. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding anything pertaining to CFU! Again, I’m beyond Blessed to have you as a part of the CrossFit Unstoppable community! Better Than Yesterday!


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