Merry Christmas!!


Thursday Class Times: 5:15am, 8:30am, and Noon! We will be closed on CHRISTmas…

There will be two WOD’s to choose from…

1 DL (315/205)
2 Box Jumps (30/24), 1 DL
3 MU/Ring Row+Dip, 2 BJ, 1 DL
4 Hang Power Snatch (115/75), 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL
5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL
6 Hollow Rocks, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+ , 2 BJ, 1 DL
7 Push Press (115/75), 6 HR, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL
8 Pull Ups, 7 PP, 6 HR, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL
9 OHS (115/75), 8 PU, 7 PP, 6 HR, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL
10 T2B, 9 OHS, 8 PU, 7 PP, 6 HR, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+ , 2 BJ, 1 DL
11 Push Ups, 10 T2B, 9 OHS, 8 PU, 7 PP, 6 HR, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL
12 Thrusters (115/75), 11 Push Ups, 10 T2B, 9 OHS, 8 PU, 7 PP, 6 HR, 5 HSPU, 4 HPS, 3 MU/RR+D, 2 BJ, 1 DL

*Scales: w/ a partner and scale weights as necessary


Complete the following just like the song…

1 Clean & Jerk (155/105)
2 Pistols (1 per leg)
3 Box Jumps (24/20)
4 Wallballs (20/14)
5 Barbell Burpees
6 V-ups
7 KB (53/35)
8 Russian Twists (53/35)
9 Ball Slams (25/15)
10 Barbell Rollouts
11 Front Squats (155/105)
12 Deadlifts (155/105)

Merry Christmas Everyone! God Bless! 🙂



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