WOD at end of post…please read the announcements 🙂
Another BIG thanks to those who helped out with raising funds or rowed for Mizzou’s Dance Marathon/Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Because I’m still anticipating some donations from outside sources, we will still take donations. (We are close to $1000!) Make checks to “Mizzou Dance Marathon”. Some of you have written checks, if I could get you to change those over, that would be great 🙂
CFU’s next “event” is Saturday, Feb. 15th starting at 10am…we will have Dr. Tang giving Free spinal checks and Susan Yee giving Free chair massages. We will also have Cale Bartow here to talk about Sport Supplementation/Ryno Power. I hope you make an effort to attend these FREE events!
We will also be starting a “Sunday Clinic Series” on February 16th. Be watching the website for a list of clinics that will be available for ALL members.
Check this out….
NEW! Two new programs to begin NEXT week!!
Want to start an exercise program, but not sure if CrossFit is for you? Well here’s your chance to get on the fitness wagon with a program to guarantee results as long as you do the work!
CFU Boot Camp (Women Only!)
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-9:30am beginning Feb. 11th *must have 5 participants to hold the class
$50/month (CFU members-$5 drop in)
*Focusing on mobility, strength, and cardio on a smaller scale of the CF classes
Instructor: Debbie Rosslan
Contact Coach (619-2142) by February 9th if you are interested…pro-rated for February is $38.
Men’s Masters (men 40+)
Monday and Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:15pm beginning Feb. 10th *must have 5 participants to hold the class
*Focusing on strength, mobility, and cardio on a smaller scale than the CF classes
Instructor: Fred Rosslan
Contact Coach (619-2142) by February 9th if you are interested…pro-rated for February is $45.
P.S. If you want to change…you will give this a shot!! NO EXCUSES!!
Members, if you know someone who has been on the fence about CrossFit or who just wants a change in their exercise routine, let them know about this!!
February 3rd WOD
Strength: Bench Press: 4×5 start at 65% 1RM and proceed from there
18 minute running clock-
Buy in-75 situps THEN
5 Wallballs 20/14
7 Pushups
12 Doubleunders
Scales: 50 situps then 16, 14, 12 min
Happy Monday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!