Monday, 03.24.14

wallball face

15,212#!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s what the CFTotal added up to at the end of the day Sunday…and that was just with 32 members!! Would have LOVED to have more there these last two days, BUT there will be more Totals…stay tuned! It’s always good to see how far you’ve come and to know where you are starting at. Keep up the great work, everyone!

Last week of March MADness…everyone ready for it?? Sure hope so! Speaking of last; our last Open Workout (14.5) will be this Friday night starting at 6:30pm; if you haven’t been to one of those or one of our Socials at the box, think about coming…it’s a great time and you get to see other members “outside the box” 🙂

One more week to bring shoes for the Hope for Caribbean Kids, Inc. They can be any kind, just clean and free of holes…Clean out those closets!

The weather has been up and down (you know MO) and there has been some illness going around (including myself-grrrr, no time to be sick!) so I’m reminding everyone that you should be wiping down your equipment after use and cleaning up your WOD area with the disinfectant spray. Please be courteous to all of our members. Thanks!

WODTogether has a new feature which will hopefully save me some time on the admin end where I can send a payment request if need be. This is basically for new members where you will click the link and purchase your membership. It will also be for those couples who have the couples rate, but one of you isn’t listed as a member. If you get one of these emails, please make sure you adjust the start date to the proper time and try to respond to the request in a timely manner. All payments are due by the first of the month unless you have spoken to me beforehand.

A new CF101 class is to begin on Tuesday, April 1st…do you know of anyone who would like to get started? Send them my way so they can reap the benefits of CrossFit!

CF Volleyball will begin on April 7th; check the tab for more information!

FITAID “should” be here this week…I’m not sure what the problem is, but I’m kinda upset that they have already cashed the check so to speak and we’ve been out for over a week!

Thanks for taking the time to read the blog and get the information that I have to share…YOU are Awesome!! 🙂

Have a great week!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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