Monday, 04.13.15

Congrats to ALL of the runners who completed the St. Louis half marathon! Good times…literally!! Awesome PR’s!! 

Thanks everyone for your encouragement these last several months of training; it helped push us towards our goal of finishing CFU style!!


Front Squat 5×3 @ 80%, take 2 min rest between sets


Via WODTalk mag

5 Rounds


100m run

8 Pull-ups

100m run

12 push-ups (hr)

100m run

16 squats

100m run

20 hollow rocks

100m run

Scales: 4,3 rounds

From the magazine: Firebreather: 22min or less; Excellent: 22-24 min; Good: 24-27min Fair: 27+

Have a great week! 

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 


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