Monday, 06.08.15


Well, summer finally made its appearance at the box Sunday afternoon…What a WOD! Dang! Nice work to all who endured that sucker and especially NickH who plugged away for Rx+1…not sure what he was thinking 😉

As the temps start rising please keep in mind your hydration and nutrition levels…

2nd week of “Beat the Heat” classes…MWF at 6:25am-Warmup/WOD only, but if you have some left in the tank, you can stay for the strength afterwards.

Have a Great week! 


OHS 6X3 @ 75% (w/3s pause at bottom)


5 Rounds

10 Power Cleans (115/75)

10 Wallballs (20/14)

Scales: 4/3 rounds


Cashout (not for time): 50 DU’s(25 attempts)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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