Monday, 06.15.15

IMG_2298.JPGTwo down, three to go (Carrie not pictured as we just found out ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Amanda, you’re next…Then Steph! ๐Ÿ™‚

A HUGE Congrats to MelMay and her husband Troy on the birth of their baby boy, Beckham Kane! Beckham arrived at 12:01am on Sunday. Can’t wait to meet the little guy! Don’t forget to bring in a package of diapers or container of formula for the Mid-MO Food Bank! We will be collecting this week!! If you can help out, that would be great!  It’s looking like there will be a little bit cooler temps the next couple of days because of all the rain ๐Ÿ™ but that doesn’t mean that you can stop with the hydration…You should be drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water on NON-workout days so get on it!

This week we will be adding in something a little different during our classes called TechniqueWOD where the trainer will be going over some tips/correct form/etc…of the given area. Hopefully these tips and the proper practice will help you in the different areas of CrossFit!

Saturday morning after the 9am we will be working on the barbells if some of you can stay and help; also if you have a pair of circlip pliers, can we borrow them? ๐Ÿ™‚

For the 6:25am “Beat the Heat” Classes, these will (because of scheduling) just be the warmup and WOD; no staying after for the strength. The gym will close at 7:15am on MWF. Feel free to come in at a later class to get the strength in.

Don’t forget that our CFU Pool Party is on Friday, June 26th at Riverside Pool from 7:30-9pm. CFU has rented the pool for members, their families and friends; cost is just $1 at the gate. Hope you can make it!

Sunday, June 28th at 4:30 will be our next WODFest planning meeting. Location TBD…For those who are new, this will be the 2nd year for CFU to host a Team Comp which will be October 24th. If you know of a business or individual who would like to sponsor our event, please let me know. More information will be added to the WODFest committee page on Facebook. Thanks for all your help in advance!

SugarWOD users, have you put in your 1RM into the app? If you have, then it’s easy to find your %’s to start your strength with. New members, have you tried out SugarWOD yet? It’s a great way to track your progress; you can also export all of your workouts to your email to help keep a “written record”!


Box back squat 6×3 @ 75%


TechniqueWOD: Rowing-watch the following video to catch some tips!


500m Row (put time on board)


2min ME Hang Power Cleans (135/95) โ€“ Rest 2min

2min ME Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14) โ€“ Rest 2min

2min ME Ball Slams (25/15) โ€“ Rest 2min

2min ME Overhead Walking Lunges โ€“ (25/15)

Scales: 90sec or 1min

Have a Great Monday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!   


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