Just a heads up…Tuesday, I have programmed “4”, a Hero WOD that I came up with to honor the Marines who were killed last week in Chattanooga, TN. I hope a lot of you can make it to honor Carson, Thomas, Skip, and David.
This week I have also programmed two of our WODFest Partner WOD’s in order to “test them out” to see if they need some tweaking in terms of weights/times; thank you in advanced for being part of our “research and development crew”! 😉
Speaking of WODFest(10/24)…We need your help!! Volunteers—->Sign up on the “bacon board”; we have morning or afternoon slots (or Both!)…we are also needing help setting up the night before so sign up for that as well. Last year wouldn’t have been possible without all of the amazing volunteers, so we NEED you back!! 🙂
SPONSORS FOR WODFEST…We need them too! There are forms on the middle shelf of the cart and a list on the board of who you might be able to contact…do you know a business willing to help out?? $100 for logo/name; $75 for name only. Please help if you can!
Back Squat 3×2 @90% or Squat Cycle W3D1:6X2 @ 80%
5 Rounds
5 Manmakers (DB AHAP)-see video
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Box Dips
20 Sit-ups
Scales: 4 or 3 rounds; 3 rounds w/ ½ reps
ABS Cashout: 100 Flutter Kicks