Monday, 09.28.15

valentines cf

3 days left to bring those books in for ABLE!! We have quite the collection so far! Thanks to all who have donated so far to help Adult Literacy in Jefferson City…

LOTS of stuff going on this next week—->

  • Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: Sam Bartow from Ryno Power will have supplements and samples available during the afternoon classes. He will also have some special offers available. If you are looking for some good protein powder without the “crap”, this is some good stuff. Come check out what Ryno Power has to offer.
  • Wednesday, beginning at 5:30pm, Dakota from GoForFitFuel will be at CFU to offer samples of their pre-made CLEAN meals. She will have 2-3 samples of protein as well as sides and energy bites. This is a great service if you are in need of a couple of meals for the week to allow you to eat cleaner just in time for the Challenge! And even better, they DELIVER to Jefferson City! I think this will be HUGE for our members!
  • Noon Xpress Classes continue on MWF! No Excuses!
  • October 5th we will start our Push/Pull Strength Cycle…There is a sample of the schedule on the whiteboard. There is also a sheet on the glass case except the Press and Bench Press is not on there. I will also have a video on the CFU Members page (thanks Carmen for demonstrating!)
  • October 5th we will also be starting the “Waist Away” nutrition/fitness challenge (for details, check the blog a few entries back); you must be signed up by this week and measure between Oct. 1-5.
  • WODFest…those contacting for prizes/donations, did you complete the task? October 12th-We will be having a Deep Cleaning of the Box following the 8:30am WOD; if you can stay to help, it would be greatly appreciated! We need to clean the rig, bars and shop vac the entire facility. We will spot clean the Friday night before the competition. Thanks in advance for everyone’s help with this BIG event!! 12 more teams than last year! 🙂
  • Wanted to let you know about a couple of members you may have been missing the last couple of months…Karen “Hot Mama” Jacquin has been out for a couple of months because of a muscle issue, so they thought. Turns out it is abnormal adhesions due to a prior surgery and the scar tissue is causing the pain. Nick “Legs” Humphrey had rotator cuff surgery a couple of weeks ago; he visited us last week Saturday. Both have asked me to tell everyone Hi and that they will be back! Please keep them in your prayers as well as all of the CFU members who are going through difficult issues in their lives.
  • If you have noticed a member who has not been to class in more than a week, please reach out to them…sometimes all it takes is knowing that someone cares! 🙂



Odd: 10 Med ball Cleans

Even: 30sec of hollow rocks


w/ Partner

Blvd LOOP*


Complete 10 rounds of:

10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

10 Front Squats (135/95)

10 Burpees Over the Bar


Blvd RUN*

*Both Partners Run at same time; partners may partition reps as needed

Scales: 8,7,6 rounds

Have a great week everyone!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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