Monday, 10.05.15

The “Waist Away” Challenge starts MONDAY!! We have almost 50 people wanting to “waste away” the next 6 weeks! Each week (first weigh in on Friday!) participants will weigh in and report their results…if #’s are gained, he/she pays $1 per pound gained! Hopefully this will help deter the cheats, “just one more bite”, “it’s just one beer” or I’ll just workout later mentality. You are Strong, You are Capable, and You are Worth IT! BELIEVE!!

If you haven’t been measured yet, see Coach by Tuesday at the latest!! 

The Pullup Strength Cycle is also beginning on Monday; check out the previous post with Carmen as our “star” 🙂 If you follow this, you should progress with your strength! 

Back squat: 3×2 @85% (or Pullup Work)

10min AMRAP
12 Alternating KB Snatches (53/35)
15 Wall-Balls (20/14)

Cashout: 50 DU’s or 30 attempts


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