Monday, 11.18.13


“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”~Napoleon Hill

44 days left of 2013…what do you want to accomplish before we ring in 2014? I have a feeling some people have given up on what they set out to accomplish…but not YOU, right?? There’s still time to get what you want, but you know what it takes…the 3 D’s: Determination, Dedication, & Discipline.

Some of you may have lifting goals, goals for gymnastics moves, faster running times, or better nutrition. Focus on what you can do NOW and take those steps to better yourself TODAY in order to be BETTER TOMORROW! I KNOW you have it in you!

I’ll have a sign up for the “Surviving the Holidays” nutrition “challenge” at the 8:30am class Monday. If interested in having an accountability partner, then sign up and I can match you up or you can contact someone on the list. I totally need some accountability with my choices of food and beverages grrrrrr.

There’s still the opportunity to attend the Birthday Bash on Saturday! Even if you didn’t make the deadline for the shirt order, you can still make a $10 donation and participate! Looking for LOTS of people to come help us celebrate 2 Years Strong! 🙂

Happy Monday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.