Thanks to all of you who came to class on Sunday afternoon to help support the “50 States In a Year/Sweat Angels” initiative! We raised $175 for the cause! A special thanks to Brent for stopping by AND for being our camera man! ๐
This week’s schedule:
W-normal except adding 3-4pm “open gym”
THANKSgiving-8:30am ONLY
Friday-6:30am and 9am ONLY
Saturday-9am only (no 7:30 or barbell)
**There is a whiteboard in the mobility area dedicated to CFU activities…
2nd week of the squat cycle begins! Hope y’all have been fueling properly bc this week’s going to be a doozie! Keep your eye on the prize!
Have you liked CrossFit Unstoppable on Facebook yet?? We are 28 Likes from 1,000! ๐ Please share our page with a little blurb on WHY someone should come and try CFU!
OHS 5×2 80-90% 1RM
12min AMRAP
8 Jump Lunges (8 total, alternating)
8 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
16 Doubleunders (sub is 30 seconds of singles)
Bonus Work
3×10 wall walk shoulder taps(get into wall walk position, might want to be away from wall a bit and alternate tapping your shoulders, 10 total), 3×10 superman snow angels (use your imagination ๐ ) 3×10 hollow rocks
Have a great Monday!