Monday, 12.15.14

Congrats on ALL of the C&J PR’s Sunday afternoon! Lots of high fives and big numbers put up! Way to go everyone!

So here’s the “Special Deal” for the members IF you want to take me up on it…Buy 2 Months, Get 3rd Month Get $50 off! (Couples $75 off; checks due for full balance by Friday, December 19th)
Email or text me if you are wanting to get in on this Christmas Deal! 🙂

Speaking of Christmas, our CFU party is on Saturday beginning at 6:30pm.
Plan on playing some volleyball as well as participating in the “Dirty Santa” alcohol exchange(bring some sort of adult beverage if you would like to participate). Also BYOB and a snack…kids are welcome. 🙂

Back Squat: 5×80%, 3×85%, drop 30# & ME back squat

Partner – 12 minute AMRAP (score=burpee)
– Max effort burpee
– partner does – 25 DU’s & 10 box jumps 24/20
**Scale for DU’s is tuck jumps or 1 min singles**

Bonus Work: 3 sets of 10 second ring dip holds at top, 3×12 hollow rocks, 3x30sec plank holds

Have a great week!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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